-- 5th Place - 10th Juror - Voted Out 4-1 --
Apparently the other hosts didn't feel like asking you questions. But never fear, Danni is here!

FINAL. 5. You all have fought hard to make it here. If you get the chance to argue your case at final tribal council, what is your story this season? What moments are you proudest of? Anything you wish you could have done differently? It's a perfect time to take a look back before our final push to the end of the game.

We're rooting for all of you! Crush these last challenges and win this thing


Danni Boatwright

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Not the best night for me....Or the best game! But seriously, I really don’t understand why Kim would do that whole hat-and-cane routine to get me out without ever asking when my idol expired. I was keeping it vague so that a fake-out at Final 5 would seem convincing, but apparently Poody stomps all over that cake at tribal anyway so I was operating under a false assumption all along. Even so, after all that, why the fuck would she switch her vote to Cat instead of Steph? All that talk about Steph/Russ/Yve teaming up to take both of us out in the next two rounds wasn’t just hot air. As far as I’m concerned, unless she wins immunity at F4, she’s fucked after I leave. And she’s most likely not getting immunity at F4. Neither would Cat have! So now my pitch is kind of the same shit, different round. If I go, she’s certainly next because Steph/Russ/Yve have a thing. To Russ, meanwhile I’m explaining how Steph is a bigger F3 threat than Kim is (especially after this blunder), but he may not be able to choose which of the two he goes to FTC with since Steph can win challenges. With Yve I’m kind of just trying to look pathetic to see if she feels bad enough for me to keep me in one more round. I expect to talk to Kim more before the vote, and explain how, boot-by-boot, I was the one most “on the outs” at every vote, and all that talk about me being a big threat is just rhetoric. From the way she was talking it seems like she’s considering taking Russ out too for some reason--I guess she doesn’t believe he’s a real goat because he did what he had to do to survive. I told her how she and I were the only two privy to Russell’s misinformation, and he was just going to spin shit like crazy at FTC, versus being in the jury where he has no incentive to keep his prior manipulation a secret. I’m not going to think of FTC at all because right now I think my chances of getting there are sort of slim.


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