Welcome back, Legend :crown:

Take a look around and soak in this moment. 22 winners have returned to show why they are the ultimate Stranded champion. Over the next few weeks, you will have to fight tooth and nail to emerge victorious in this stacked cast, and to leave $200 richer.

Who do you know out of this group? Do you think these relationships will impact the way you play the game?

Whose legend (if any) are you most threatened by?

Good luck, and have fun. We're all rooting for you icon_yahoo

Danni Boatwright

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By Cochran
What's up Danni? Glad to be back.

Who do you know out of this group? Do you think these relationships will impact the way you play the game?
My group. Jeff, Cassandra, Penner, Tammy are all names I recognize. Jeff is an old friend so hopefully we can rekindle and work something strong out there. Cass and Penner I played with in Revenge. Both of them I was pretty tight with in game though I did leave early. I think that it's a safe bet that I can get that group together. Sort of worried about the potential of people realizing and attacking early but hopefully we can pool together some of the others. I quite like Ziggy to start, but I know he's savvy so I'm treading carefully. He seems nervous but I know that he isn't, it's all gameplay.

Whose legend (if any) are you most threatened by?

Nobody lol. It's just another day at the office here, these people are the same feel as the last time and I think there are a lot less people I'm connected too, which means a lot more people who actually like me.

I'll give you something big when we meet everyone but I'll be running this tribe this time tomorrow.


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By Cochran
Caryn Groedel wrote: Thu Apr 02, 2020 10:56:42 pm You’re my winner pick in the draft. Good luck, and don’t let me down. Or there will be consequences.
Caryn I know you posted this in everyone's confessional but I'll just pretend you have faith in me anyways


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By Cochran
Easy money I think. I'm hitting it off with Yve and Alex pretty well though Yve noticed the 4 from Revenge here which is a problem though she says she won't care. And I totally forgot Tammy was in that season and said that to her face. Woopsies :)

Again big update tomorrow once I talk to Tammy and Kim a bit more and hear from Aubry. So far Penny IS! the weakest link and if I can scoop up Alex with a connection with penner then that's 5 out of 11 and we really just need one more right?


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By Cochran
Alright time to get you guys updated. This tribe has the potential to be very good for me if I can keep everyone in order. I unfortunately have the curse of everyone knowing who I am and my Stranded reputation so it's going to be hard to maneuver things perfectly. Alex pointed out you have season summaries out and I'm sure my Portugal one has me slated as the overplaying nut job that young Cochran actually was.

But we're going to be optimistic here. Tribe rundown:

1. Cassandra- Cass and Jeff are pretty interchangeable for top placement but I'm going to put Cass in here first because she's a lot more outspoken. We have a similar playing and writing style, I don't feel the need to sort of hide any of the aggression there and I feel that there's a mutual respect there. Definitely a long haul ally.

2. Jeff- Jeff is an old friend that not everyone really knows about? So he's going to be key if he can find footing with out me in being someone to depend on later. But it's hard to find trust in these games and I feel like with him there's no reason why I'm not able to trust him through this thing, as long as we keep communicating openly. Truthfully I'm not going to back stab this guy so as long as we're together expect big things.

3. Penner- He's third because while he's a good ally to have and is close to me I think he likely has a better relationship with the other two more. Still trust him in the short term but we can reevaulate as we get further away. He rounds out my alliance though, and I think that it's all but said out loud but I want that to be my group and I'm pretty sure they're all at least close to the same page. Trust level if very high for now, we're being very open.

4. Yve- Just a good chat, obviously very strong and one of the only people to keep up with my word vomit in messenger. I can see her potentially being courted by other people but I would want to work close with her if possible. Next chance I get I'm going to push towards some game talk here, she sounded like she wanted to talk things out with Cassandra, but also noted she knows Cass and I played together before, that's something to watch out for. I should note that her messages are obviously guided in how she talks. She's a player.

5. Aubry- Great chat too, talked about real life stuff and she's really relate-able. She's friends with Kimmi and that's something we bonded over for sure. Jeff noted that he was a fan of hers and I already sort of reached out saying we should figure out being on the same team. But if I can wrap those two in together to find a certain level of comfortability for them that would be best. I feel she's kind of disconnected from the rest a bit which could be good for me.

6. Kim- I just like Kim's style. She's a longer spoken kinda person and cut from the same cloth as me. I'm not sure how we're going to line up but I think that we can potentially work something out provided that we end up in a different situation. We'll see how that goes. Already kicking some good game talk but she's a vet so it's to be expected.

7. Alex- He's a little slower but I'll put him here because I want to work things out with him. I see him as another person who isn't entirely connected here and that's going to be a key pull in. He mentioned that he read up about everyone and I know none of the past season blurbs paint me that well. He and Penner have a similar time zone so I'm going to try and use that to build something here.

8. Tammy- She's fine. Very connected out here and I know of her, we talked about working things out here to keep us past the first vote but I'm not roped in here yet. Maybe it'll come over time but I like pretty much everyone else so some people need to fall by the wayside. I could work with her in a swap or something like it.

9. Ziggy- He's alright too, I really like everyone here but I think the shear fact of him being newer and connected with all the other Season 34 veterans that are riddled throughout the game. I don't know if this is like a death sentence for him at all or not since he has his fans but if I can keep him lower on everyone's radar that would be perfect.

10. Penny- Super slow and kind of a flop. Hopeful to push her as the first boot here if we can manage. I don't think it would be too hard. She's just so fucking dull.


Game plan is to be the middle point of the tribe. Should not be hard. I have an all but set alliance of four people who I'm working very closely with. The game plan though is to make a bunch of sub alliances to cover the rest of the team. 6 people would be enough but I don't want to just try and add two more because that would be a little bit too obvious almost? And it leaves room for others to try and turn against my four. So the plan is to rope in every person individually to a three person alliance involving me. Cassandra, Yve and Myself. Jeff, Aubry and Myself. Penner, Alex and Myself. That way I have some people who are relatively disconnected working with me and my alliance with it seeming like they're actually working in a tighter group than that. Yve has already confirmed since she is a little more goal oriented while the other two are wanting to talk and have fun which like fuck I get quarantine but I just don't care that much lol. That's not why I'm here. So I'm pushing that way. Hopefully with a unanimous Penny boot to kick things off but if she wins immunity then we can look at Ziggy or something. Only problem with eliminating Ziggy is that Jeff likes him but I think that we can potentially work around that. I'm not crazy worried.


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By Cochran
Yve locked in. Alex locked in. Last up is Aubry.

Ziggy is talking about a "connected" alliance for the first vote so we'll try and use that to paint him badly with the likes of Alex and Yve but I don't want to keep Penny in the game any longer than I have to.


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By Cochran
Things are feeling too smooth. Let the first round paranoia fall in to place. I was actually kind of concerned things wouldn't go my way at first?

Jeff wanted Yve out, Cass wanted Aubry. But they both got talking to them today and I think they're more comfortable with them and each other. Which is good because my goal is to keep myself at the epicenter of the team and if Aubry isn't talking to Cass or Yve and Yve isn't talking to Jeff or Aubry, then that's money in my pocket because they are working together through me. Maybe it'll come back to bite me if we end up kicking around this tribe for a while but I think that being the glue for this group will definitely benefit an early swap, which I see coming.

If we get rid of Penny, which is what I want the absolute most, and it sort of feels like everyone is just letting me have it? Though I've been saying it since the beginning and no one is super enamored with her. It pays to be vocal, especially when no one here wants to name names. Plus it makes perfect sense, Ziggy and Kim both want Penny to stay, so her leaving gives them less options. Aubry is pretty firm in with me here so I would stand to benefit from her sticking around.

If this goes off without a hitch then sweet, easy money on my first tribe, just like it always seems to be. I do feel a little insecure but normally that goes away after the first vote so hopefully no one turns on me yet. I'm also trying to set up a little space from Kim and Tammy/Ziggy. I like Kim a lot. So pushing for getting to know Penner, maybe pointing out that I feel closer to her than Tammy or especially Ziggs? Or that they're close and we can sort of be the "other pair."

Might be overdoing it but come on it's not me without a little overkill.


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