-- 13th Place - 2nd Juror - Voted Out 8-5 --
By Gary Hogeboom
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Phase one complete :pop: . Now entering the true test of maneuverability in survivor, shuffled tribes! I'm sure you've got a lot of grafting to do, but while you do, give us some thoughts!

1. You know what to do. Analyze your swap tribe. Majority? Minority? Plan to survive?
2. With three tribes of 6, there's gonna be a lot potential swing votes. Do you have a sense for how your allies can make it through their tribes?
3. Are you going to be looking around hard for advantages and idols? Are you worried someone has brought one here from their old beach?

Gary Hogeboom

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By Jeff
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You people and your puns, I love it.

1. You know what to do. Analyze your swap tribe. Majority? Minority? Plan to survive?

At first glance I was like hellllllllllsssssssss yeah because 4 of my tribe and 2 of theirs but there is a lot more to bite into here.

Tammy played with Joaquin (and Russell?) in season 34. They apparently finished 1st and 3rd. The voting chart is not available so I cannot investigate how close they together thy played. Tammy says they didn't play together and Joaquin voted her out. I don't know what all to make of that, maybe she flips.

Further than that, Russell (aka Chris) played in Nepal with me and while our games ran parallel, we never worked together.

Russell was voted 7th out of 9 in terms of likability so maybe possibly he was on the outs over there. The equivalent on our side was Yve who has been quiet at best and inactive at worst. I think she was closer to Kim/Tammy and maybe a bit more active and chatty with them.

There are a few big IFs. IF we lose immunity, IF Tammy flips, IF Joaquin or Russell have, IF Yve flips also, they will PROBABLY target Cochran over me because Cochran is a #bigthreat and I am a little lost puppy who is waiting to be told what to do :(

So.. Tammy is the power player in this tribe so we'll have to see how she proceeds with it. I'm going to be pushing pushing pushing that Kim and I were getting close, which was true (from my POV) and I know Kim-Tammy were good buds so I am hoping that she will at the very least stick with ME, whether or not we keep Cochran and Yve or Joaquin and Russell remains to be seen. -I- want to make it through so Tammy is my best friend now.

2. With three tribes of 6, there's gonna be a lot potential swing votes. Do you have a sense for how your allies can make it through their tribes?
Alex is completely doomed. Unless that tribe has some dirty laundry they want to take care of, Alex is a goner. Aubry was voted at the bottom and will probably flip, if she isn't just taken out for being super slow to respond and basically inactive. They are both probably doomed.

I think that Kim and Penner were okay with each other. I don't know how Cass mixes into that. I don't know if they will remain strong, and I know nothing about the purple people on that tribe. I don't really know there, but I am more invested in these 3 people than I am the 2 people on the other tribe so I hope they are able to get themselves through.

I think that overall Penner, Cochran and Kim were my top 3 so I want that tribe to succeed.

3. Are you going to be looking around hard for advantages and idols? Are you worried someone has brought one here from their old beach?

I'm not really looking. Someone probably has something, probably Joaquin, probably Tammy, maybe Russell. I dunno. We'll see.


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By Jeff
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We finished that challenge in, like, 3 minutes 30 seconds. 210 seconds for 50 posts rounds out to 4.2 seconds per post. I really do not see two teams finishing faster than that. I really don't.

I'm expecting to win and watch Survivor ON TIME tonight instead of attending tribal council.


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