-- 13th Place - 2nd Juror - Voted Out 8-5 --
By Jeff
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Today was actually pretty fun.

I started out the day INCREDIBLY bored because no one was telling me anything so I was just like FUCK IT, I'm going to message every single person in the game and ask what the plan is. So I did. I got a whole lot of nothing which was expected so I decided to troll a little bit more.

I think it actually kinda benefited me because it got me and Loveita talking and I have gotten ANOTHER person on that tribe to try to skirt the vote off of me. That's two people in the so called " " core-4 on purple " " that aren't actively aiming for me and are trying to keep the target off of me (OR ARE AT LEAST TELLING ME THEY WOULD).

Then I got the bright idea to post a boot order to try as my voting confessional to try and cause a little insecurity among the ranks over in purple. Make the purple people realize people on the other side see Joaquin as the front-runner. Make Stephanie realize she's going to get taken out too soon. Spell Melinda wrong to make her wonder why no one bothered to know her name.

I don't know if it will amount to anything, probably not. I think it was funny if nothing else. I'm still giggling to myself about Melania I don't know why I think that's so funny.

Then it actually came time to get it together and formulate a plan. No one was really giving me anything UNTIL it seemed like almost everyone was unanimously like "yeah it's Yve", even people from purple including Catalie. Penner was mostly resigned to just voting for Yve but I was like "this is too easy, there's no way they're openly voting for Yve" so I tried to resuscitate my friends to do something other than Yve. As it turned out, Kim reached out to Tammy about who she wanted to vote out and Tammy provided a list of names and Kim chose one from the list. They are surprisingly open about calling the shot on that vote but I guess later on it's going to be important for resumes. I'd go back and get the names for you that I received from that exchange but I'm too lazy.

I had thought that Kim went to Cristina and got a name and then we all fell in line behind Cristina, but it was actually Tammy, who I thought was in Joaquin's pocket (and literally wrote showed that in my voting confessional bootlist LOL - egg on my face for that). At the last minute, literally at :58 or :59, there was a random push for Russell which apparently was the shot called from Cristina but it was too late in the process to make any traction on it. I will ask her about it tomorrow and assure her that I will cover for her and see if I can try to plant some seeds of an alliance here.

My goal, AS ALWAYS, is to make as many people as possible like me and prevent as many people as possible from wanting to get rid of me.

I don't know that the orange are going to remain aligned for long. I don't know who the target will be tomorrow but I feel okay that it won't be me, at least. And that's all I'm after. I just want to stay in the game for as long as I can and cause problems for people along the way, while also trying to make them like me.

So, today was a good day for Team Jeff. Thank you all for your continued support. I have set up a patreon so that you can continue to access confessionals like these. Tier 1 donators get t-shirts and bonus confessionals where I try my hand at stand-up comedy and realize it's exclusively self-deprecating jokes and have an existential crisis. Bye!
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By Jeff
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So Russell told me that the hot topic among the Munin people is that I am "super close" with Cass/Penner because Cass/Penner/Cochran were a thing, and then me/Cochran was a thing on green, so I replaced Cochran in the alliance. Which is frustrating because that's such flimsy reasoning and they're right. Ugh.

Also Joaquin told me he thinks Kim did the boot order confessional. I think he knows it's me and is lying to me because I won't admit to it but I think it would be so funny if he's actually like secretly mad about it and is blaming Kim and gunning for her as a result. hahaha

Honestly, even though I consistently feel like I am going home, I think I am in decent standing with a good handful of people here. I don't think I am going to win so I am hoping that I can have some fun and cause some problems along the way.


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