Another episode, another winner gone.

1. Were you expecting that chaotic vote breakdown?
2. Are you worried about potentially hidden friendships waiting to come out and strike when you least expect it?
3. Do idols and advantages factor into your plans going forward or are you just hoping to luck out?
4. Are there any players remaining that you don't view as a threat?
5. Ideally, who's in your final 5?

Jeff Probst

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By Kim
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I actually think this worked out amazing for me? Like, holy shit.

I can see the doors opening at this point. Me and Joaquin have been on great terms since the merge, but unfortunately we were never able to find common ground in the game. That changed tonight, and me, him, and Tammy are kind of working a threesome type thing? It's kind of hot.

I still trust Catalie and Steph implicitly. We've been aligned since the merge, and I know we were on opposite ends for the first two votes, but when that trust was finally put to the test tonight, they came through and delivered. Everything went accordingly to plan, (almost) exactly as they said it would.

My whole thing is: do I wanna work with Catalie long-term? I mean, I love BZ and everything, but I absolutely know her MO at this point, especially in All-Star games. I know she's hosting her own game right now, which means that she's probably gonna half-ass a lot of stuff in this game from here on out (not that I necessarily blame her) but even despite that, I assume she's still gonna retain control, slide into the end-game almost effortlessly, make FTC, and probably win lol. Because right now, she's in charge. So I don't know if she's someone I wanna take to the Final 4.

The Russell chaos is also great news for me. Obviously all his votes came from his old group, and that's just gonna sow even more discord. This might be enough for me to scoop up Loveita and Melinda for real and make a go here. Loveita also knows that 2 people from her own team also split votes on her lol, so she definitely can't be too happy about that.


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also I forgot to answer this from last round
Question, what's the plan currently to outlast your targets given you voted in minority? Or is the plan to play it by ear? Give me the tea :tea:
But I think tonight's TC answered your question. Today was basically Operation: Throw Cristina Under the Bus, Mercilessly and Without Hesitation, and it worked out perfectly.
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By Kim
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I think the plan for this round is nu-Munin 5 + Yve vote together to get rid of one of Russell/Joaquin. Barring any idol craziness, I definitely feel like that would be the smartest move for my game, considering those are the 2 people left here who I have nothing official with. We've bounced around ideas, but aside from the Cristina vote last night, they haven't really done anything to prove to me that they have my back and that we can trust each other. Russell especially lol. I need him gone, that will be such a weight lifted off my shoulders.

Right now, I'm ready to make this a 6-5 vote if need be. Not gonna lie, I was kind of hoping to stay UTR this round, but at this point, I think I just have to cut my losses and go in for the kill, and worry about damage control later.


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