By Gary Hogeboom
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Hi. 7 people left, that's one for every day of the week!

1. So that tribal council was a snooze. How did you manage to stay awake? I guess also run us through how that whole thing went down if you caught some of it it through your eyelids.

2. There's tons of talk about whether to remove threat from the path or clear up seats by removing those who are gonna get dragged to the end. Weigh out those options for us?

3. Is there anyone currently in the game that you think will vote for you if they're on jury? What are your plans to get them there gently so you can get dat vote?

4. The jury is quiet at tribal. Who do you suspect they REALLY are pulling for right now? Do you think they are all waiting for FTC to form opinions or do you believe they will have the same perceptions of the remaining players' games as you do?

Gary Hogeboom

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By Kim
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I hate everyone here.
I feel horrible about what I did to Loveita, but once again, I am "Cassandra". I've been screaming to Yve and Loveita for the past 2 hours that a 4-2-2 vote but they decided to bury their heads in the sand lol.


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By Kim
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Cass has the idol omfg.
On one hand, this is great, because I think we can finally get Joaquin out? On the other hand, I definitely can't take her to Final 3 anymore after this round lol.


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