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Episode 08: A Valium For Your Nerves

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 8:04:24 pm
by Danni Boatwright
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What the hell happened tonight?

walk us through the leadup to tribal. How did your plan come together? who was being honest with you?

How do you move forward from here?

Re: Episode 08: A Valium For Your Nerves

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 8:29:14 pm
by Penner
What a glorious fucking mess. It's bedtime now but fill thoughts coming tomorrow :loveeyes:

Re: Episode 08: A Valium For Your Nerves

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 3:41:39 am
by Penner
Sometimes I think in Stranded (and regular Survivor) that the most important part about having a "social game" isn't being able to influence people to do what you want but having people who will veto your name as a possible target. That's what got Yve and Jeff in trouble in the first place and it's what saved me from being a target this round thanks to Catalie/Val/Melinda/Cristina all not wanting to vote for me.

Re: Episode 08: A Valium For Your Nerves

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 3:05:06 pm
by Penner
This game is too stressful with all these relationships, and I think even moreso on my side. I think I have a good few people on the other alliance looking out for me (Catalie, Joaquin, Melinda) that if the vote is headed my way I have a reasonable chance of finding out. Personally I am practically screaming in their faces BLINDSIDE CASSANDRA. My game becomes much easier once they do.