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Episode 08: A Valium For Your Nerves

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 8:05:32 pm
by Danni Boatwright
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What the hell happened tonight?

walk us through the leadup to tribal. How did your plan come together? who was being honest with you?

How do you move forward from here?

Re: Episode 08: A Valium For Your Nerves

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 12:47:35 pm
by Tammy
A hot as fuck blindside happened that's what happened :fire:

Ok, so that was absolutely insane. I'll re-count it from my perspective as best I can. So all day long there was really no plan in place for what was going to happen at Tribal. All of the Munin members were running around trying to decide who to vote for, and they were really only giving the former Fenrir members snippets of what was being said. I don't know how much of the chaos was feigned so that they could run the clock out on telling the Fenrir what was going on and how much of it was actually Munin not being able to get its shit together to decide on a target.

So, in the last ten minutes of voting, Fenrir really had no options. We vaguely talked about voting in solidarity for one of the Munin members and just letting the Munin decide who was going, and then a few of us considered just voting for Yve since we assumed that's where Munin would end up going. But then it came up that literally every single one of the ex-Fenrir's names had come up as a potential target except for me ( :crown: ), so voting for Yve in itself was a risk because that might not even be where their votes were going. So literally five minutes before Tribal, Kim comes to me and says that Cass has a vote doubler. Ok. We can work with that. It's still not enough to give us the numbers but Cass is working Crsitina and Russ to flip. Three minutes before Tribal, Kim asks me who I'd be willing to vote for. I say Val, Melinda, or Loveita. Obviously wanting to protect NuMunin, Kim/Cass/Penner decide they'd be willing to do Val. One minute before Tribal, Cristina and Russ confirm they're not flipping. We don't have the numbers, and it's time for Tribal.

I have no idea what to do. I'm thinking I might just vote for Yve. Then, the whispering starts. Cass, Penner and Kim told me that the other Fenrir are all down to just vote Val and Cass is going to use her doubler. So I'm like, alright, if the other Fenrir are doing it then there's sort of a herd-immunity from criticism because you can't really blame a bunch of people who aren't in the majority and aren't being told the target for voting in solidarity. So I vote for Val, because on the off chance that there is a split and my vote could decide things, I'll never forgive myself for fucking up a chance at knocking out a member of the majority and giving myself a fighting chance at getting into power somehow.

and... it worked. To I think - everyone's? - surprise. Somehow, all 6 of the ex-Fenrir coordinated to vote for Val and Cass used her doubler. So 7 votes went to Val. Someone (we think Cristina) ended up voting for Russ because of the last minute panic that Cass caused between Russ & Cristina. Cat flipped her vote to Cassandra because the whispering made her paranoid that there was another plan in place. One vote is what sent Val home. Literally if any of the Fenrir had panicked or backed out of the plan it would have been Yve leaving last night, but we did it and I'm so fucking thrilled :celebrate:

So now the game is really wide open again. There are 7 Munin members to 6 Fenrir, and the relationships and dynamics are so much more complicated than they were a round ago. Munin still has the numbers but they don't trust each other. Someone voted for Russ. That's something I can exploit. Everyone is trying to protect the members of the minority that they think they're going to need later on. That's something I can exploit. The Munin members don't trust each other to vote correctly anymore and the idols have put them all on edge, and now a one person advantage really doesn't give them the absolute power they had coming into the merge, so all of them are looking for other options. I can exploit that.

After last night, the former members of Fenrir trust me more. We all came through for each other. I don't necessarily trust them in the long-run, because I know that Yve & Jeff don't fully trust me after what happened on Jorg and I know that Penner & Cass can never fully trust me because I'll never be a full on "number" for them that they can get to do whatever they want, like Jeff and Yve are because they have no other options. and Penner and I can probably never REALLY trust each other after all of our history both in S28 and even the start of this game :laugh:

with the Munin, I think I have the most relationships. Catalie , Steph, Joaq and Russell are all looking out for me. Cristina, Loveita and Melinda probably not as much, but I think so long as Yve & Jeff are there to target, they'll look to target them ahead of me because bringing up my name might be considered more dangerous?

So I feel like I'm in a good spot. Of course, every time I say that in this game I end up hearing that my name has come up or something insane is going on, but I'm going to try to be a little bit optimistic that right now I have a grip on things. I think if I trust my instincts here I have an actual shot at winning this game.

Re: Episode 08: A Valium For Your Nerves

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 7:14:39 pm
by Tammy
I legit have no idea what to do here. Fenrir said to do Russell because Cristina was flipping, but I went straight to Cristina and she was super dodgy but her language said very clearly to me that she wasn't voting for Russell. Cat & Joaq said that they're voting for Jeff. Cat was honest with me last night - so I want to trust her here too? but can I? I have no idea who is lying to me :rofl:

Re: Episode 08: A Valium For Your Nerves

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 8:16:50 pm
by Tammy
my read on people is so on point this season. truly unexpected.