-- 6th Place - 9th Juror - Voted Out 3-(2)-1 --
Slam your body down and wind it all around :fire: Lets keep this party going shall we?

1-If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends. Where does the power on this tribe reside? Do you plan on working within that power structure or rebelling against it?

2-Make it last forever, friendship never ends! Who are you closest to on the tribe?

3-Taking is too easy, but that's the way it is... How active have you been in the strategy around camp? are you actively working to make things happen? Or are you letting others lead the charge so you can strike later?

Danni Boatwright

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I am so sorry for not getting a chance to reply to the last episode thread, but I'll give this one my attention now since A. I am up at almost 3am and can't go back to sleep, I'm still a little sick so I'm not gonna smoke out to make me tired. And B. The Spice Girls stuff is hard to ignore. I feel like that'd be a crime. :heart:

To answer stuff about the idol from the other thread, honestly Melinda was looking for it a bit last night. I skimmed it, but I am no good at those kinds of things. And I kinda don't have the patience/focus for it normally so I'm not gonna bother. Idols are scary though, and I was idoled out twice. Once by a legit idol in a Harry Potter game lol And once by Stephanie ((The one on this tribe.)) by a Super Idol. "/ And I freak out for those 3-5 long minutes in games waiting for someone to play an idol. So yes, they are scary and a worry. I just am not cut out to decipher the clues. Melinda was trying last night, and I re-read it a bit ago too msging Steph, but I have no idea.

That said, I am very glad we won last night. DQ insta win or not, the "target" people were talking about was Kim S. and I'd rather not vote her. But I am glad things didn't fall on Cristina, which is what I was a bit worried about.

Now for the questions I guess....

1. I think most of the power here is Loveita's? I think she's the most beloved and central person on this tribe. I actually have a threesome with her and Courtney. And we discussed other people like the boys and Val. But no legit groups were formed. I lowkey or maybe highkey depending on the moment, lol Think that Loveita, Val, Joaquin have something going on, maybe Russ is with them or was? Because he told me that people made 1 round groups.. and idk what that means. I did bring up making groups to Joaquin the other day but he evaded it, so idk.

I'm usually an HBIC type of player, and in the mix of stuff. But open ID in a cast where I'm just meeting people it's not really the time for me to try and be everyone's number one, and it's harder with this communication format. I don't want to usurp the power core if those people are it, just because I don't have a problem with them. Or the boot order, so it's like no reason to make waves. So I've been going with the flow. I think this could also answer 3. as well, I'm just trying not to push agendas and have people tell me what they want, what they really really want. :fire: And quite frankly, that's good for now. But like I said, if I have an issue with shit and want to change things or don't like the way stuff is going, I'll go hard. But a the moment there is no need.

2. Well, I'm closest to Melinda in general because we were bffs like right after I started ORGing, we don't talk as much these days. But I feel like I can count on her totally. And Stephanie too. These are relationships I have with people already, they know me and how I play and vice versa. However, I'm also hella close to Courtney, and plan to stick by her here. And I do love Loveita and Russell. Val I just met and I adore her too. Also, I know Cristina from back in the day as well, and I love her, we just haven't talked as much as I would like. Kim.. ugh, I think she's great, but people think she is too distant and what not, so I dunno if I feel close to her, but she's someone I like a lot. This was not a straight answer, lol But this entire tribe is really good. And I always juggle a few closest allies, so that's probably happening here too.

All in all, I'm kind of just taking things as they come here. I've been targeted for who I am, and shit like that in this series, so that's kind of what I'm trying to avoid the most I guess.

I also feel like we're swapping tomorrow, or I guess later today in reality, it's 3am leave me alone. I feel like everything is a twist or swap or something. (( I have a theory for everything <3)) I know how Probst rolls in this series, so I'm always in that anything can happen mind frame. I feel comfortable enough on this tribe, but I can see us swapping tonight to 9-9 or 6-6-6. I guess we'll see. Hopefully we win the challenge and have another good night. Every time I've played this series I go to Tribal more often than not, so maybe this is my time to chill~


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