Episode 05: Alex-a, Play "Winners at War"
Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 8:45:27 pm
by Nate Gonzalez
Congratulations for making the Final 17! This is a huge accomplishment in Stranded, and particularly in an All-Winners season every day is an accomplishment!
1. Tribe Dynamics – the core to the game you are playing. How are you getting along with everybody so far? Who do you think is a threat? Do you have any plans for the present? Plans for the future? Plans for the past????
2. Challenges – how do you think that challenge went? How do you think the upcoming challenge will go? If you've done the challenge already, how did it go?
3. Hidden Immunity Idols and Secret Advantages – can’t live with them, can’t live without them. Do you think any are in the game? Do you know who has them? How’s the hunt going?
4. “You better get ready? It’s coming for you. The fire is burning and when this is through – one sole will survive. Winners at War.” What lyrics or song is playing as you pull off a badass move that affirms your badassery as a winner? (pls, I'm making a Spotify playlist)
Re: Episode 05: Alex-a, Play "Winners at War"
Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 7:15:55 am
by Cristina
Wow, this challenge is a tough one! I mean, if I was on our tribe, I wouldn't take the immunity and I abstained from doing so. We have an supposed equal amount of power here and that is something that can easily be disturbed. I know other tribes have an unequal amount of power and if I was Aubry, Russell or Joaquin, I would hustle for it. Or if I was on a tribe with them, then I would see it as something I would gun for. The whole thing with this tribe right now is we are the only one with equal numbers and that gives us a very different dynamic from the other tribes. We don't have that imbalance and we don't have people who need to do or die. The thing is, even if nobody goes for it and all three tribes go to TC, honestly, I would be fine with that happening? Like sure, I may go home and that is risky as hell but to jump straight from the final 17 to final 14, that is worth a gamble. I hope nobody goes for it on this tribe. The thing is that we have so many variables and so many things that could happen. We could easily end up going to rocks and nobody wants that. Well, we would be going for rocks but Melinda and her extra vote would come in clutch for us if that was the issue. I think we need the leg up after our potential advantage at misting the other players with the whole "we may have the old Munin idol" plan was ruined when they got to see our TC when Russell played it, so we have to work around that to make up for it.
So right now, I am getting along with everyone on this tribe. I think a major thing of having an all winners game is everyone is at least sufficient in the social aspect and everyone wants to be seen as likable. I would say on the old Munin side, Loveita is more of my ally then Melinda is but I trust them. Out of the old Fenrir side, Penner and Kim are much more my speed but Cassandra is a sweetheart. They are all very nice but Penner and Cassandra are for sure the bigger threats. They were in the power position in the old Fenrir according to the ranking and that means we have to make sure they don't reconnect with their old tribe, especially if they have the potential to get the numbers. My best hope is to make sure that if we do lose, one of those two goes home. I am playing myself up as being on the outside to Kim, so she thinks I may flip. They don't know about the extra vote, so I will use this connection to try and forge something. My plan is to make it look like I will flip and use that info and connections to work out the way to get the numbers on this tribe. We just need to knock out one of the players from Fenrir and we have the advantage. Easier said than done though, am I right? My main goal is to get through this stage alive. I am taking this round by round, tribe by tribe.
The last challenge, I was so proud of the people on my tribe! They smashed it and they had an excellent time. Practice and preparation are key to this. As said before, I hope nobody hear goes for the immunity as the other tribes will need it more and we may be able to go through this round unscathed if they do. I want to ask people if they went for it or not but I know I can't ask those questions! I abstained and I hope that will show I am a team player and not someone to be targeted. Also, the hidden advantage for the extra vote has been found by Melinda, so there are bound to be more. Like maybe there is an idol idol idol link hidden in places we haven't even thought to look at. I have been trying to figure out the idol clues but damn it, my nordic background is not helping me in the slightest.
The song that Cristina has to pump her up, get her going to do her thing and wreck this shit? Power by Little Mix & Stormzy. That or X Gonna Give It To Ya by DMX.