-- 8th Place - 7th Juror - Voted Out 3-3-2 (4-2) --
By Loveita
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But I liiike winning...


If we lose tomorrow...the worst timeline...might actually vote for Kim? It's a toughhhhh decision right now. Cristina has been talking flipping with Kim, but Kim did bring up with me today that she feels far more connected to the three of us OG Munin, when discussing the "elephant" in the room of the 3/3. Simultaneously, however, Cristina approached Cass today to start planting her own seeds about being willing to flip. Therefore, no one can be trusted of anything. Except the fact that Melinda has an extra vote, and oh hot damn will we be using it.

Speaking of Melinda, really vibing with her. Andy always cracked me up before, but I've loved learning more about his life and sharing this idol search with him. It's entirely possible he could be playing me, but with our four person group already existing, and us telling each other we had each other's backs day 1, I really doubt he's planning to play me just yet.


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