-- 8th Place - 7th Juror - Voted Out 3-3-2 (4-2) --
By Loveita
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A fucking mess happened that's what.

15 votes - 7 val, 6 yve, 1 russ, 1 cass
- Cass had the extra vote from OG Fenrir
- Cat voted Cass (and I think she really did just overthink it - I don't see it as some crazy advanced ploy to make it still seem like she's with OG Munin but actually not)
- Melinda says she didn't get a vote in.

So who voted Russ, and were their two extra votes used last night (I had assumed there wasn't one on Jormungand butttt)? I guess I'll find out in FTC or after the game. Worrying too much about it now is a good way to spin in circles a bunch and get dizzy without actually going anywhere useful.

The lead up before tribal? Also a fucking mess. There was talk about flipping from Yve to Kim or splitting votes and all that and I just kept trying to tell people to keep it simple. Yes, there are 8 million potential scenarios of what could happen. You have 14 people, fuck tons of advantages, everyone is paranoid going into this merge, just stop trying to outsmart the game. At the same time, any time I could sow division between people I did so. Did I talk up Cassandra possibly having two idols and her throwing my name out? Of course I did. Just in case.

I would have preferred Yve to leave over Val, but what's done is done, and so it's time to maneuver closer to those Fenrir and see what info I can get.

In terms of honesty and all that, I don't expect people to directly lie to my face. I trust the information they tell me and read into the information they don't tell me. People will probably start lying to my face here in a couple votes, but I think for now half-truths are a higher power. I think all the OG Munin were honest with me both before and after TC. I never expected OG Fenrir to vote out Yve , and I never asked them too. Cass implied that they would, but were worried about a secret split vote plan, which made me think they won't risk it. I made promises to not write certain names down, they made promises back. Those are easy enough to keep and can build short term trust.

I tried to be straightforward with Cass, Penner, and Kim about what I heard just in case things got fucked over in the vote - like they did. Kim knows her name was out there. She probably knows Cristina and I were pretty against that. That's good for me. Cass knows I told her the truth about it being a straight Yve vote. She's returning the favor with more info than before. I don't trust her to have my back one bit, but she's loud and aggressive in game play and if I keep her in conversation, I may learn a few more things.

This vote wasn't great for me, but it's not like in Iso where one vote just fucked my entire game up. This seems a lot more fluid - I'm working up my relationships with Jeff, Yve, Kim, and Cass especially. Suggesting I don't trust OG Munin to be a reliable voting block after what happened (honestly though...).

Cristina is probably the most likely to make a flip over, and I think if she does, she'll tell me and try to convince me to go with her on it. I might. Not sure yet. It doesn't sound like Stephanie has formed any meaningful relationships with the OG Fenrir group, and wants to stick OG Strong, but I don't know about thattttt. Melinda and I will probably keep moving together (or plan something tricky to look more separated). Jeff and I are a 'secret duo' - which means that right now we find each other convenient. I do put a little trust that Jeff is working more with me than other OG Munin, considering he asked me about the vote while he had immunity and tried to form this little duo before the vote. Obviously he wanted information, but if he came to ME about it more than the others...that could be good for me.

I still feel insulated, but at the same time I'm constantly paranoid (maybe Melinda has been working against me this whole time!!!!). I think that, with the connections I have, it would be difficult to get a group to blindside me, and until F10 and my idol expires, that's all I really need. I've officially made jury, which was a win for me going into this, so now it's time to see if I can make some magic happen and put up a strong fight to get into that FTC and win again.


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