-- 8th Place - 7th Juror - Voted Out 3-3-2 (4-2) --
Another episode, another winner gone.

1. Were you expecting that chaotic vote breakdown?
2. Are you worried about potentially hidden friendships waiting to come out and strike when you least expect it?
3. Do idols and advantages factor into your plans going forward or are you just hoping to luck out?
4. Are there any players remaining that you don't view as a threat?
5. Ideally, who's in your final 5?

Jeff Probst

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1. Were you expecting that chaotic vote breakdown?

Lol no. Lesson learned - put up more of a fight next time people move TC during my class so that they can watch Survivor at air time. I watched it at midnight motherfuckers, get with the program. I can't hold my class at midnight. #salt

ME = Image

Although I will say, Melinda is bomb. Our communication system during TC for vote switching worked perfectly, and I have also somehow managed to hide the fact that I voted for Russell at all. So rather than it looking like we hatched some failed plot to get rid of Russell, poor Loveita was left out of the entire plan, and Melinda gallantly saved her from being the contingency in case of the idol we knew Cristina didn't have.

I'll admit, I purposely mentioned my relationship with Cristina to people. It was because I didn't expect her in the end of the game - I wanted to hide my closeness with other people (like Melinda) and use her as kind of the shield in front of me. I knew people liked her less than me, and if we were seen as a pair, she'd be taken out first. I didn't expect her to be out THIS soon (was hoping more for like 8 or 9), but I don't think it kills my game that she is out. I did not think that vote steal idea was good, and it blew up in her face way quicker than I expected.

2. Are you worried about potentially hidden friendships waiting to come out and strike when you least expect it?

I am worried about EVERYTHING. And everyone. It could be me this round. It might not. I'd like to think I have hidden friendships. And that I want to strike. I'm super worried about Joaq, Russell, Tammy, but I'm also still really nervous about Cass and Kim a little too. Cassandra did open up about being sketched out by Cristina, but everyone kept me out of the loop very easily. On one hand, Wednesday is my busy day. On the other hand, that's dangerous and I didn't catch on to it.

However, I did have a very long and effortful conversation with Stephanie last night at my 1:30 AM. I was very grateful to her as she told me all the things I had pieced together already and hopefully guilt tripped her into not blindsiding me on the vote this time around. Because knowledge is power, especially when you have an idol. I would like to strike, please.

3. Do idols and advantages factor into your plans going forward or are you just hoping to luck out?
Mine does! Everyone else's doesn't. I think it's more harmful to make plans around idols because if the idol doesn't get played, you may have done a lot of damage with people. Look at last night's vote. There's been some very unnecessary damage done with me, and I want to hit back. With the actual idol they were afraid of.

I haven't had fuck all time to look for this merge idol, and I'm sure someone has it already. I always assume Joaquin. And then with your wonderfully cryptic hints about additional hidden things, I did scour the forum last night in all the ways I knew how, but this isn't my strong suit. Re went through all the threads, all the badges, all the hosts, jury, losers, didn't peruse the member list in super detail this time around though. It's not in this damn smilies window either.

I can't try to plan for idol plays or advantages when their are 15 million different permutations of who could have one, when they might play it, who they might play it for, and why the votes might line up the way they do. I don't think it's smart to plan around. Just use what you know and what you have.

4. Are there any players remaining that you don't view as a threat?

No. There are people with differing levels of power and influence in the game at the moment (and I think Cassandra has a lot more than maybe the obvious threat of Joaquin who might look like he has the power), but everyone is a threat. It'd be arrogant to think otherwise.

5. Ideally, who's in your final 5?
Hmm. Melinda, Stephanie, Catalie, and Yve, I think.

For me it's more about combinations I don't want in the F5. As long as I can achieve that, I'll be satisfied.

- only one of Joaq/Russell/Tammy can be in there
- Penner and Cass cannot be there together (ideally not Cass at all)
- It is still hard for me to read Kim, even though we talk game a lot, but she could be in there, I suppose


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