-- 11th Place - 4th Juror - Voted Out 10-1-1 --
By Gary Hogeboom
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Phase one complete :pop: . Now entering the true test of maneuverability in survivor, shuffled tribes! I'm sure you've got a lot of grafting to do, but while you do, give us some thoughts!

1. You know what to do. Analyze your swap tribe. Majority? Minority? Plan to survive?
2. With three tribes of 6, there's gonna be a lot potential swing votes. Do you have a sense for how your allies can make it through their tribes?
3. Are you going to be looking around hard for advantages and idols? Are you worried someone has brought one here from their old beach?

Gary Hogeboom

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By Melinda
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1. Neither Minority or Majority... even split 3-3. A bit frightening. My plan at this point is to make sure the other three really like me and want to not take me out. But at the same time keep my relationships strong with Cristina and Loveita so they don't wanna turn on me either.

2. Well all I am really focused on is my own survival at this point, if my allies on the other tribes make it, awesome, if not, I am gonna need to find new ones. It would seem like Joaq/Russell are fucked but you never know, Russell will probably find the idol and Joaq will probably smooth talk his way to not being the target, so I literally don't know what will happen. I think the 4 Munin's in the majority on that other tribe will likely stick together but who knows... It'd be ideal if they lost haha.

3. I already scoured all of treemail looking for advantages and found nothing.... maybe someone already did that and found it before me. I will probably look for our idol hard today at 4 if I can... With a 3-3 split it means either someone is flipping or we are going to rocks... and I don't want to go to rocks obviously... it is such a precarious situation. I'm not worried someone has an idol just because Russell played his last night and said it expired, he would not have done that if it weren't the case... And I am just praying that nobody on the other tribe knew about their idol except for the person who found it, and hopefully that person isn't on this tribe haha... If they have an advantage like a vote stealer or nullifier or something like that then we are fucked... so I just gotta try and be someone they want to keep in over Cristina and Loveita.


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