Thank you to our very own Gary Hogeboom for this graphic title. Fitting for a night with 2 tribals, three idols, and a double-whammy in big players out the door. With only 8 of you left, one thing is for certain. it's going to be a wild ride to final tribal.

1-Who do you trust most on this tribe? Can you bring them to the end with you, or is that a losing battle?

2-Rank the remaining players from who is most likely to win, to least likely. We'd love to get your perspective on the other player's games. Is this list also in order of who you think will make it to the end? if not, who do you think is most likely to be in those final tribal chairs.

3-Have you thought about your dream final tribal? Who is there with you? How do you pull out the win?

Danni Boatwright

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I'm genuinely torn on what to do here. Joaquin said I'm in the best spot in the game right now, and he could be right? I feel like in terms of position within the dynamic, my vote could be sought after from every angle to execute whichever move people want to make, and I don't think anyone is especially averse to sitting at the end with me because I don't believe I necessarily stand out as one of the biggest threats. If people want to underestimate me then fine by me. It's how I won Namibia, so it could get me the win again here!

I'm debating between taking out Joaquin and Yve here, I think. Joaquin, well obviously I just tried to blindside him last round but he saved himself with the idol. I worry if I let him slide through another round he could find the idol again with the extra clue and he could kind of be unstoppable. At the same time if Yve goes I could see myself being smack bang in the middle of Cat/Joaquin/Russ and Cass/Kim/Loveita as the swing vote which is powerful, and if Yve really is seen as the "biggest goat" then I think taking her out could pretty much guarantee myself the final three. She's extremely weird and unreliable and never votes the same way as me anyway.

I just feel like if I take out Yve here then I'd want to do Joaquin at seven anyway, but he'd surely have the idol by then with the extra da and extra clue, and I'll regret waiting. So maybe Joaquin here and then Yve next time? I don't think Joaquin wants to vote Yve anyway seeing as other than Russell she was the only one to vote alongside him for Tammy, so it's not like taking out Joaquin here reduces the odds of being able to do Yve next time. Blergh, as you can tell I'm far from decided, I need to sleep for a bit and think this through with a clearer mind.


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