By Nate Gonzalez
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Congrats on the Final 4!

You’ve been here before, now you are here again.

You have a lot of numbers to type so let's keep it brief.

(1) Reflect on your history with Stranded and why you winning will be something special. Just give us a little somethin' to endear you guys to the casual audience.

(2) What is your plan to win Stranded for Victory?

Nate Gonzalez

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By Stephanie
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I'm weighing up my best move here. There's no clearcut easy choice for who to vote off and who to go to the finals with. Like in Namibia, well duh, I win the final challenge, obviously Ashley's the one to take out. Here it's a toss up between Kim and Russell. Honestly I'm not even convinced Yve's out of the running either? She has the "goat" stigma though, but none of us four remaining have had the "threat" stigma, so she could probably change some minds in front of the jury. But whatever, assuming I did win this challenge, Kim/Russell are going to be voting each other regardless so even in a world where I wanted Yve out, it's probably not even possible, lol.

I feel like Russell winning three challenges in a row could make him seem impressive and I guess can claim the Catalie and Loveita moves which I can't, and I guess he's voted in the majority more than anyone. Then again Kim sort of claim getting the ball rolling against Catalie too? Also, Kim pretty much told me the other day that if I vote her off in fourth place she'll still vote me to win, lol. Which I guess she can go back on but still, she can hardly be mad at me voting her off when she literally told me she wouldn't be. Plus she said whoever wins the final challenge is who the juror will reward it to due to sheer effort, so that must be in line with what she'd think as a juror?

I feel like Kim and I are basically the mirror versions of each other in terms of how we've played this game and how we've been perceived, just with us coming from opposite starting tribes. It's hard to ignore that she hasn't had a single vote cast against her the entire game, despite never winning an individual challenge nor finding an idol. That's impressive whichever way you spin it. Against Russ/Yve, well they've had a bunch more votes thrown their way throughout the game. I don't think Kim's hardcore pissed anyone off either and has played a relatively clean game compared to Russell's which has been a bit more aggressive, but not sure what the jury respects more. Russell did get voted as "most enemies on jury" and "would never like to speak to again" but maybe he could spin that as a positive to rebound from that. Cass made it seem like that on her way out the door last night but who knows if she really feels like that or was just trying to spin an argument to stay.

I also feel like there are five NuMunin on jury, and Kim's more of a threat of stealing support from them against me than Russell would, given she was on that tribe? I only have two NuFenrir on jury to support me, so welp. So maybe it makes sense to go with Russ/Yve who were both from Jormungand, they fight over votes like Jeff/Joaquin/Tammy which I'm not really expecting to get anyway, then I can try to secure Catalie/Val and then some combination of NuMunin to get over the line. And I know if I bring Kim then Tammy's voting her for sure, and Joaquin didn't seem pissed with her at all whereas he could be mad at all of me, Russell and Yve. I don't think I can get Jeff's vote anyway but I'd say Kim's more likely to get his vote against me than Russell would. So thinking it through I do think it's better to go with Russell and not with Kim.

I also get the vibe even if Russell and I vote Kim, Yve will be annoying and vote with Kim against Russell to cause a tie. I kind of feel Russell would win the tiebreak anyway? But whatever, not much I can do if that happens but if I decide I want Kim gone then I may as well try to convince Yve to vote her out too.


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