By Jeff Probst
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This is Catalie's Final Tribal Council Thread.

All other Jurors should remain in their own threads.

Catalie, you have until Sunday at 12c/1e pm to post your statements/questions to the Final 3. Remember not to take up too much of their time as they have 10 other jurors to get to. Please no listing or questions requiring novels for answers. You should post all of your statements/questions in your opening post in this thread.

Jeff Probst

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By Catalie
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Here I am, finally....


And if you're all smiling too, I'm sure by the time you read this those smiles will turn into frowns. Which is sad for you, since this is your big moment. But sometimes the truth hurts, and as a great one once said about the game of survivor, especially in an open-id playing field.. "It's been fun, but extremely painful" and that rings true here too. Anyways, this was my warning that things I'm about to say about you and your games aren't going to be the most pleasant, but I serve my truth tea all natural, no bullshit and with as much of my honest opinion as I can, which means I'm sorry, you will not be served a cup of tea with sugar. That's not my style anyway. I guess I should say though take what I say to be about your games and not personal, though there are things I need to bring up that are outside of this game, but only to give my side of things you said in this final tribal council and in the game itself. With that, here we go....

Yay Stephanie. I'm so proud of you girl, it's been an honor just to be your ally in this game. And even more of a honor to be able to vote for you to win. This vote is super easy for me, because you deserve this so mu.... SIKE. I don't feel that way at all. How does it feel to have someone you trust and care for tell you some blatant ass lies? Unlike you, even though I'm am actual woman and you are not, my balls are way bigger than yours will ever be, because I can sit here and tell you the truth. My truth and that is: I am not voting for you. Not only do I feel you don't deserve my vote, but quite frankly voting for you to win this game just feels wrong.


But that should be abundantly clear and absolutely warranted. I'm not bitter at you, I feel more disrespected. And we all know that jury management is a huge factor in earning their votes, you fucked that up with me and I just hope it was worth it to you. I said in jury that if you made the end I'd call you out about shit, and so here I am.

I could have got past you being dragged to the end by Russell, and voted you out of love/loyalty and even championed you to win. I mean, how many times in anon games have we voted for each other to win? I've never known your ID in those games, but I've always had a respect for you as a player. But after this? I think that's basically shot. And this is the main reason...

Catalie openly told me she was annoyed at me after voting out Joaquin at seven and siding with the Fenrirs because it screwed her chances of making the end, which I definitely understood and told her as much. I told her point blank that I knew it was bad for her game but I made the decision based on what was in my own best interests and ultimately that's how I was playing this. I did communicate this to the rest of the players in the aftermath so they knew I wasn't afraid of upsetting Catalie to make my own self-serving moves even if they were ultimately to her detriment.

That's a cute way to spin it, had you said any of that and in that way I would have respected you and understood. But the reason I don't is because of the way you said it to me. After TC you said one line about how you knew I wasn't happy with what happened but it was better for your game. That was it. I did show up later and called you out about how it sentenced me to death, and instead of just owning up to shit the way you frame it in that quote from someone else's shit you answered. You gave me a few different excuses. My main concern that night was that you weren't being legit with me because I'm Bz and you didn't want me pissed at you, and that's why you were playing this charade. And to tell me if you just planned to go to the end with Russell and Yve, and I even asked if you were playing me with how scared of Yve you were etc. But all you did in response instead of sticking to the narrative you're spewing now about how you needed to do shit without me, you legit gave me several different "excuses" as to why you voted Joaquin after I came for you about it.

One was about how Russell made you do it, and Yve was on board too and you were just going with the majority and how the vote was supposed to be 5-2, but you were pressed at Russell for not just voting Joaquin and going off on how he made you believe there was no other option. One of your other excuses was that Joaquin should have listened to you when you told him to vote Yve when Loevita died, and you blamed him for his own boot. Instead of saying anything about it being good for your game. I even told you it was clear you were trying to go to the end with Russell and Yve, and why the fuck did you decline shit when I told you to vote me out if you needed to, if it was best for your game the night before. And you told me that you wouldn't and that you never would. But then the next night you decide to kill me a different way. You realize that's why I'm over you, right? And this isn't me being bitter, I feel insulted and like you think I'm some idiot who'd believe your bullshit and just let it go. But I'm not.

And if you reply to this to tell me I was your number one, your ride or die, or how sorry you are, you can fucking save it. Number one allies, friends, people who want to play together, play together. They don't do the shit you did to me.

Aside from that, I do have to call bullshit too on one of your answers about how IDs meant nothing to you and how you had ONE alliance that contained you, Val, Loveita and Cristina. An alliance that didn't even do anything together ever, and you still already knew Cristina, lol You legitimately did rely on those of us you knew. You wouldn't have had half the information you had or knew if it weren't for me. I keep reading these answers waiting for some revelation where you found out about Loveita or Val's idols from them, or how you knew about Joaquin's vote item. Or what other people were doing most of the time, but none of that is coming through, which leads me to believe what I've suspected for a while, and that's that Russell simply had you on a leash here. And your plan was to fake it until you make it in this final tribal council. Maybe some people will buy it, but I don't. If you somehow end up winning, that's fine. Use the 200 to buy yourself a personality or something. Not just in this ORG but the majority of ones you play, because you being called boring is legit a part of your reputation these days. Good luck.


I actually wasn't going to go in on you here until I read your answers in the other threads, most specifically you claiming that I called you an opportunist in this game due to past gaming experiences. Which is not true at all. I have absolutely no clue with how you played in other games save for three total, and I'll explain them right now.

Jeff P3's Survivor Belize.. this was in 2009 and where we met. You played Greg Buis, I played Sue Hawk and you flipped on me and the rest of our alliance on a tribe where we had majority. That was our only legit gaming experience, and I never referenced it here besides talking to Melinda and you about how we all played that game. You were a huge backstabber in that, but to be fair, you won with that strategy and I never once thought about that game or equated your game here to anything from that.

The other experience we had was me hosting you in my second ever hybrid game, also in 2009 or 2010? Glee. Where you basically played for me, but were a very problem player and a huge headache for me as a new host. It was like the third game I'd ever hosted and I fucked up your permissions and you could see Artie's ((Rudy)) confessional. And instead of just being a decent person and telling me that you could see it and to fix it. ((Which happens in games, and players usually don't fuck with the game.)) but you did. You read it and got his HID in there, and then started sending him images of Rudys from TV and Movies. And then to top it off, after the issue was fixed on your way out of the game you started posting that shit in TC and I had to literally cut you off from the board and disable your account. I didn't tell anyone in this game that until right now.

The third time we met up in a game was Godfather, where Smuffy forced me to play Sonny who he said was his favorite rep, when I requested Michael Corleone. And instead he was inactive and not in-character and it turned out to be you. Still pressed about that one until this day, because that's pretty great rep to waste, but that was the last time we ran into each other in ORGs.

Aside from that I did play for you and make graphics for you in your first and second games. I do respect you and adore you and I always will. Since you were one of the few people who stood up for me and were really nice to me when UD was stalking me, and I'll never forget that. <3

But yeah, the reason I called you an opportunist in this game is because you were one, and you came off as such. And you've even admitted it in several answers thus far. Like that whole "I'll vote with you" line. You claim here you only said it to Joaq, Russell and Tammy. But you told me that several times too, and the reason I did not believe you was because people compared notes and we were like.. she told me she'll vote with me too. Is she voting with all of us? You didn't tell me that you'd give me your vote like you did Russell and whatnot, but you continuously told me you'd vote with me and I told you to your face I had a hard time believing you. I mean, I know you also told this to Kim and Cassandra too, and it's why they had faith in you. But I told them you were full of shit, but they didn't believe me. Idiots.

And now that we're out of the game, I'd like to state for the record that Russell also told me he didn't trust you several times and to not tell you the truth about votes when I was ready to put you in on plans, or else I would have after we sorted things out. I am not sure what he was telling you, but he was paranoid a lot. And I asked him if we could trust you/tell you the plan at final 10 and he said no. So that's why sometimes I didn't. But the thing that completely made me wash my hands of you was the round that Cristina left, I know we fixed things and I did try to trust you again. And we've gone over this but just to make it crystal clear for everyone to understand, I told you every little thing and detail about what was happening when Cristina left. And Joaq and I were concerned you'd leave by mistake and we agreed to put strays on Loveita together to protect YOU. And I told you this to your face, and the entire plan. Which was a huge risk. Because Mulan was splitting votes, that could have opened shit to Fen taking out whoever they wanted if they didn't actually vote Cristina and Joaq and I would have been duped and fucked shit up all to protect you, to make sure you weren't an idol sponge and you lied to me and voted for Russell of all people, and that didn't sit well with me.

I know we had this talk in game, but this is what broke that trust. Since you gave me three stories after the vote on why you didn't stick to the plan. And that coupled with you offering your loyalty and vote to the entire game just made me feel like you were an opportunist and your paranoia about being the target all the time, even when you weren't was annoying as fuck. So was accusing me of targeting you, especially in rounds when I didn't. I did tell people in some rounds that you were never winning the game and everyone knew it, and if we didn't get you out soon you'd outlast us all. I tried to get people to vote you, but some of them believed your bullshit, that's not my problem. I got to say my "I told you so" to those people. So it's all good.

As with regards to you winning the game or at the very least getting my vote, that's not happening either. And I could make you jump through hoops or ask you shit for no reason, but I'll spare you that grief. And just say you playing the victim role was super off putting.


Oh poor Yve, she's a goat, she's on the bottom. Why are people targeting her?! Girl, that was mostly your doing too. Saying you can't win and will just play for those you want to see win is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Instead of picking up your game in game ((Not this final tc, which doesn't count lol)) you basically talked about how you were just going to play with people you loved. Even when I told you that last day I hoped you'd at least go with Russell and Stephanie, you said that you loved everyone in the final 6 and would be happy with any winner. But clearly you were not, and you continued to tell everyone what they wanted to hear. This strategy would have worked better for you if you were a threat and making moves, but since you were not, it just comes off as you following Russell and making sure he made the end. Obviously that's my personal opinion, and how I see the game. If anyone else wants to vote for you, they can. I just don't think you played a winning game by any means, but stranger shit happens. So good luck so much.


Russell, you were shady, sketchy, messy, paranoid, insane and just an OTT manipulating little shit. And in your words "We love to see it" however, in this final tribal council you're not conveying any of that correctly, I feel. I thought your game even with the flaws, which you've admitted to is the strongest in the final 3. Was it strong game wide? Absolutely not. But I did leave feeling like even with you pussying out of making some moves, you were playing a terrific villain game.


And that's truly how I saw things for you, that you played with all the other aspects that were probably bad in their own ways, but you also were ruthless and would throw caution to the wind and do whatever the fuck you wanted to get what you wanted. But like I said, your Final Tribal is kinda weak sauce, babe. You legit played a game I can liken best to Tony or Hantz. And where Tony was a whackadoo in game, his FTC was pretty humble, and so I get that you are playing that card too. Don't think I don't notice it. Like people ask you what you did or give you some shit for pulling some strings, and instead of owning it you are giving these insanely PC and generic gameplay answers. Instead of saying yes, I played your asses to people you did. Like the fact that you did try to set up that 4-2-2 vote to take out Loveita. You replied about it a tame way, when before TC you told me your plan was to make them split to not have a tie, and in the tribal you whispered to me you were still trying to make Kim/Cass split their votes.

Anyways, there is more shit you did that was insanely transparent, things that were vile and a bit too superfluous when they didn't need to be, but I believe everything you did and said to get to the end with the people you could beat was all part of your plan. And again, own it. Don't play the nice guy. I know you said you lied and betrayed, but you could also be proud and convey the things you did that were scummy, since you have to play aggressive sometimes and you did. I just wish you'd show that fire in this ftc. Granted, I do still believe you played the best game in the finals group. You've got my vote, just work on 5 more. Good luck.


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By Catalie
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Also, it's 6am for me. And I'm going to bed. Whatever you reply to this with ((And there is nothing to answer in this)) I'm not reading it anyway. There is nothing any of you can say to change my minds. If you want other jurors to consider voting you, go post in their shit. My vote is locked.


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By Russell
Alright, since your vote is locked, let's put on the villain Russell hat for a bit.

I get that it's frustrating for a lot of people on the jury to see someone so transparently messy like me succeed because they knew what I was doing and had the ability to stop it, but unfortunately, they didn't. Things worked out for me, I'm here anyways. I was a tornado as big as my own fucking head, but that shit worked and I should've been voted out much earlier. Everyone made a mistake letting me slip by; it's a common theme in Survivor these days. People like to keep around these big, stupid meat shields to protect themselves. People like to keep around goats. It only works if you cut them loose at the end or if they take you. I deserve to be here and I deserve to win because, man, did I put in the effort and I played fucking well.

The personal shit has got to go, what the fuck lmao. This is a jury of all-winners, people who have been in the FTC- you yourself have been there like 100 times. I might come across as an asshole tone-wise and I might've been ruthless in this game, but I have never wanted to make anyone feel bad. It's archaic to think of remorse as weakness. I can be remorseful with how I spoke to Kim, or how Jeff felt about me after he left, but that doesn't make me weak. It's not 1960. I am a ruthless strategic player but, outside of this game, I strive to be as empathetic as possible because empathy hasn't been afforded to me.

People aren't one-dimensional. I can be this ruthless, wacky, constantly overplaying Tony- someone who clawed his way to the end and was successful, despite my strategy being transparent- and I can also be someone who wants this game to end on a note of positive catharsis. For the last time Cat, I don't have to do what you tell me to do.


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By Yve
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Catalie- I don't know if anything I say while this game is still going will feel at all genuine to you. All I can say is I'm sorry. Especially for what I did in that hybrid game 10 years ago, of which I truly thought you had mistaken me for someone else. Then I searched for it, and it all came back to me, especially with what you wrote in 2016 about it:

April played by the didge Jeremy, was able to see Artie/Rudy's confessional ((permissions fuck up, totally my fault)) but instead of telling us that, on April's way out of the game, she began taunting Rudy with like images that said "Rudy" and shit in PMs. Which caused Rudy to be pissed and rightfully so. I had to ban April from PMs and posting anywhere and then Jeremy texted me and was like "sry" and I was like "wtf" lol It was a funny and absolutely horrible night.

I was a hyper child, but that doesn't excuse anything. I think I was just genuinely trying to impress and entertain you at the time. I was way off base, and disrespectful. I regret that I did that to you.

Hopefully you'll see when the game is over through my confessional how badly I wanted us to work out here. I'd love to have a chat with you after the game is over about everything if you'd be open to that.

- A Didge


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