Immunity Challenge #7 - Fallen Comrades

Overview: In order to go forward to the second half of the game, you will have to look to the past. You will be given eight quotes - one each from the confessionals of a different player eliminated from the game pre-jury. Your goal - correctly guess which confessional belongs to which player. The person with the most correct answers will win individual immunity for tribal council on Sunday. As a tiebreaker, speed will be used (time replying to the challenge thread until time of submission). As usual, your submissions should go in your confessionals.

• Absolutely NO discussion of answers or times of submission.
• Number your answers 1-8. If it’s not abundantly clear which quote belongs to your guesses, we’re just going to assume you wrote “Gary” for every single answer.
• This is an individual challenge and any collaborations will result in a DQ

Deadline: 6:00c/7:00e Easter Sunday, April 12th. Tribal Council to follow at 7:00c/8:00e.

Question, just realized Sunday is Easter, but since we're all quarantined I'm not doing shit that night. If anyone has a scheduling conflict let me know maybe we can work something out.

Jeff Probst

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I know we've changed the schedule for the timezone people and the early days were fine for me on normal days. But this will happen at 5-6pm my time, which is basically when we're doing Easter dinner here. Can we push this a couple hours later when I'm done with dinner and clean up? I'll try to make time if not, but I'm with a lot of family in quarantine and my children. And there is no legit way for me to sneak away during this, especially this year.

If we can't do it, it's fine too. I'd just like to be around for stuff. :teary:


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I have the results of the challenge.

The correct answers were:

1. Ziggy - " I guess everyone is playing hard and I’m just being dragged in as an easy number haha I just didn’t realize until this very moment. I gotta step up my game. As soon as people see you as a duo/trio people will want to take shots at you.”

2. Cochran - "It's just another day at the office here, these people are the same feel as the last time and I think there are a lot less people I'm connected too, which means a lot more people who actually like me. Easy money I think”

3. Mookie - “Prepare to be as disappointed as every woman I've ever been with”

4. Courtney - "I'm stick of these generic questions. I'm not quoting them. Its a bunch of mookie.”

5. Alex - "Really not enjoying playing with these people at all. It is difficult being in a tribe with people you can work with and get close to and then end up on the most horrendous tribe with the most boring people. Worst tribe swap”

6. Aubry - “Can I just say too, that I'm actually having fun? Like, a couple of days ago, I thought playing this season was honestly a mistake because I just wasn't having fun. It felt like I was getting told what to do, no one actually wanted to talk strategy with me, and like this is just what this game would be like for me... the past-season alliances running things, and me just doing what I can to appease them. I'm at least having fun with these four!!!”

7. Penny - "So [my] legacy was always of a loud-mouthed smart ass, but also a bit ditzy. I'm pulling out all the stops for this, but don't want to play too much out of character. So I've chatted to just about everybody.”

8. Kim S - “]There's only one thing I do know and that's that i literally know ABSOLUTELY NO ONE. There are honestly more old school players than there are us newbs so like that's really reassuring right. But I mean if I'm not known for my social capabilities, what else am I known for? more like the boring winner who didn't make any moves and was just along for the ride.”

Two players guessed 5 correct answers:

Jeff and Yve.

The tiebreaker came down to speed. Yve submitted her answers in 8:37, and Jeff submitted in 5:15.

Therefore, Congratulations Jeff. You will be Immune from tomorrow's Council!

Idol clue coming at 7:00c/8:00e (30 minutes).

Jeff Probst

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Penner wrote: Sun Apr 12, 2020 7:31:38 pm I'm sorry but how did someone who is not Mookie unironically use the word "mookie" in a sentence. I am outraged.
i had to guess mookie on that one, if it was him and i guessed someone else i never would have been able to live with myself


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