-- 5th Place - 10th Juror - Voted Out 4-1 --
Slam your body down and wind it all around :fire: Lets keep this party going shall we?

1-If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends. Where does the power on this tribe reside? Do you plan on working within that power structure or rebelling against it?

2-Make it last forever, friendship never ends! Who are you closest to on the tribe?

3-Taking is too easy, but that's the way it is... How active have you been in the strategy around camp? are you actively working to make things happen? Or are you letting others lead the charge so you can strike later?

Danni Boatwright

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First things first, that vote. Bit more of a clusterfuck than I had hoped for, thanks to Penner straight-up strongarming it. Aubry’s been on, what, ten minutes total and yet in that short time she’s endeared herself to this guy so fucking much that the very thought of voting for her makes him queasy? It’s not like she’s really hustled in the time she’s been on either. It’s the second round, I don’t need to hear about how you’re rewatching Westworld. And then the bitch logs the fuck out both nights right after seeing her name written down at tribal. But yeah, bro, better to make an enemy out of someone you already went deep with once who no one expects you to be working closely with. Because...why exactly? S34 so scawy? Tammy is our only shield outside of the core four on this tribe. All you’re doing by voting for her is confirming the legitimacy of the idea that people who played on previous seasons together are threats, which, uh...maybe you don’t want to do when we’re trying to scoop up Alex and Yve and downplay the fact that we played on THREE FUCKING SEASONS TOGETHER. But oh, that’s right, he literally forgot about that fivesome anyway.

Anyway I was able to talk him down from the Tammy ledge by turning the S34 bogeyman against him and pointing out Ziggy’s general charisma. Cochran and Jeff also leaned Ziggy so that kept Penner in check from going full egomaniac. Of course, that didn’t stop him from pulling his classic prevote shit to dictate the direction of the vote. Good news I was able to distance myself from him by sneaking in my hot take that Penner was steamrolling things but little ol’ me wasn’t gonna fight it. Alex especially I was able to get closer to by framing myself as equally out of the loop as him. It’s true, though, I didn’t fight it. Penner got his way and I assume he’s patting himself on the back for his masterful play. I reckon he even thinks he covered his ass on the Tammy front. No such luck, kiddo. I beat ya to the punch.

Early on Cochran and Penner both told me they planned to fill Kim in on the vote after the challenge results were revealed. Both of them were positive Kim would pass the news along to Tammy, but for some reason didn’t express any intention to tell Tammy themselves, since she was so tight with Ziggy. Kinda stupid, huh? So knowing I’d be able to fall back on “Kim must have told her,” I planned on telling Tammy myself. The problem came right when I was about to and Cochran said Jeff and Penner were urging for it to be a blindside. I took the liberty of fueling the “Penner = Tyrant” fire and gave him an encouraging “go for it,” meanwhile telling Alex that Cochran was telling Kim so he could probably be forthright with Tammy. With two fallbacks in my pocket, I spilled all the beans to Tammy, with the added bonus of being able to throw Penner under the bus since I could always blame Alex and Cochran. Poured my heart out, slipped in an “i think cochran is telling kim right now too” as a sort of damage control by proxy on her, and then flipped back to Penner’s chat to see a big fat disgusting “so i just told tammy huhuh covered our tracks for us ahyuck you’re welcome!” Considering Tammy’s first question to me was “who’s going after ziggy?” I don’t know what the fuck this guy was thinking. It made my heart pump pretty fast, but luckily I think I sniped him by a good half second or so because all he did after was muse about how easy this was after all :DDD

Anyway, Ziggy went home, no one fought it, Tammy sent me something about how forever indebted to me she was, still wanted to fivesome to work, etc. I know she and Kim stayed online a while to chat, probably reevaluate everything, but I don’t think they have a play here. Or at least if they did I’m sure I’d get looped into it for being the whistleblower. The only possible thing I can think of is if for some reason--purely survival, I guess--they teamed up with Jeff, Penner, and Aubry to boot one of the others. I really, really doubt something like that would happen, but if it did I have that nifty little extra vote to make it 5 vs. 5.

I went on with this way too long, so I’ll be a bit more succinct with my answers to these.
Danni Boatwright wrote: Mon Apr 06, 2020 9:55:41 pm Slam your body down and wind it all around :fire: Lets keep this party going shall we?

1-If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends. Where does the power on this tribe reside? Do you plan on working within that power structure or rebelling against it?
The power resides with me, so no I don’t plan on fighting it.... Actually, though, I’d say it’s something like this:


As you can see, I’m winning. I’m hoping to take out Aubry once and for all this round. It should be easy enough if she keeps up this awful activity level. If Penner argues I’ll cite Alex and Yve feeling out of the loop. What is the point in a Tammy Takedown™ if you’re just going to alienate everyone else in the process?

Danni Boatwright wrote: Mon Apr 06, 2020 9:55:41 pm 2-Make it last forever, friendship never ends! Who are you closest to on the tribe?
Probably Cochran, we seem to have the same ideas about boot order. Yve is actually kind of weirder than I thought. Doesn’t seem to know much about strategy at all. It’s fine, though, just means I can string her along a little easier. Alex I’m surprisingly in good with now, although he’s been out of the loop and never actively tried to get himself back in. Wouldn’t say he puts anything new on the table that I wouldn’t get out of a Cochran/Penner power hour, but he’s nice to pretend I’m on the outside with. Plus his asking me what the tribe chat password was again today suggests he thinks of his as one of his closest allies here (if not closest). It was nice that he told me his unfiltered thoughts on Jeff and Kim, too. I don’t know how these dweebs haven’t pinned the core four by now. Tammy I’m hoping I’ll be able to work with much more closely after a swap, outside of Penner’s probing gaze. I really don’t know what his beef is--that bitter about him turning on him at the final fucking 5 of all things?--but I think outing him, who was ostensibly my closest ally, to her will really do me some favors long term. I think since she knows she’s a threat she’s banking on trust to carry her through more than anything, so betraying mine by exposing that I snitched would not be a good look for her.

Danni Boatwright wrote: Mon Apr 06, 2020 9:55:41 pm 3-Taking is too easy, but that's the way it is... How active have you been in the strategy around camp? are you actively working to make things happen? Or are you letting others lead the charge so you can strike later?
I think you know the answer to this one.

By the way, pretty sure that second clue is referring to Niðavellir or Sindri. What’s that got to do with Hræsvelgr, though? Hmm??? Thinking maybe Tammy found it.


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