By Danni Boatwright

Courtney: An old school player coming into the game STRONG. No hesitation to get in a core alliance, and has set up side alliances with her pregame connection in Catalie. Doesn't get discussed as playing too hard, probably safe for a while in her current setup.

Cassandra: A main character in the shitshow that is the Fenrir tribe. Part of the core "Revenge" alliance, but is solidly covered by Penner and Cochran as the bigger targets. Wildly observant about people's connections with one another. A solid MOR contender.

Melinda: Similar position to Courtney. Being part of the S34 crew and hanging around the server has delivered a good alliance with love/Joaquin, while the old school connections with Courtney/Cristina/Catalie make for a formidable position on the tribe.

Loveita: Smack in the center of the Munin tribe, Love is connected to just about everyone. Players like Val/Joaquin have spotted how well she's positioned, but they don't seem super threatened by it at the moment. Should be in a strong position until a swap, but her plentiful connections could carry her even further.

Jeff: Dark horse contender for Fenrir. On the bottom of the core alliance, but has great relationships with some of the stragglers like Aubry/Yve/Alex. Recognizes the threats in Penner and Cochran and is working on getting some power for himself.

Do you agree? Anyone else people think we should keep an eye on? It's only been one round, so I'm sure opinions are all over the place at the moment

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By Danni Boatwright
From Kimmi:

1. Loveita

I think Loveita is in a very unique position in this game, being the only winner with zero actual Stranded background so she’s got the double whammy factor of having no (convenient) history for people to check up on so her game is more of a non-factor in most people’s minds and at the same time she’s connected to at least a couple of the other players from her time in the discord server. Add to that the general likability factor that she seems to bring to the table and she’s looking like a big threat, I don’t think I’ve seen anyone talk about her negatively so far. One or two people seem to be catching on to how beloved she is, but I think they’d be hard pressed to do anything about it until a swap at least.

2. Cassandra

I’m putting her just above Penner even though I think Penner is more well-connected than she is. Actually, I’m putting her above Penner precisely because of how well-connected Penner is. Most, if not all, of those connections are savvy players who will eventually figure out that Penner is a threat if they haven’t already. Cassandra is one who will likely be one of the first to act on that when the time comes. She’s got an insanely solid grasp of the game right now and knows exactly where all the pieces are positioned, which is due to a combination of social graces, connections, and just general game-savvy. I think her reputation for being an aggressively strategic player will potentially hurt her, but she’s smart enough to figure out who the threats to her game are and take them down before they can get to her. So I could honestly see her going the distance even this early.

3. Penner

Penner has yet again used that Irish charm of his to woo practically everyone on his tribe and weave a very complicated web of social bonds around himself. It’s definitely something that several people are aware of, but those same people are likely smart enough to know that he’ll be too protected to be worth targeting for the time being. It’s one of those things that could just as easily see him through to the end as it could be his downfall, so I guess time will tell which it is.

4. Courtney

It’s a little more difficult to peg who the bigger standouts are on the Munin tribe, more because the dynamics aren’t as fully fleshed out over there, but going just off basic alliances that seem to have formed, names that are being tossed around as the people that are generally liked, people with large reputations and targets on their backs, and the people stepping into the spotlight right from the getgo, Courtney appears to be snugly in the middle of everything. Not standing out so much that she’s a name on everyone’s lips to keep an eye on, but not so in the shadows that people aren’t talking about her at all. She’s got that perfect balance of connection and influence that will likely carry her far.

5. Jeff

This is a bit of a dark horse pick, but I think I can justify it. Jeff isn’t the most well-connected or well-liked on his tribe, but he’s a player who came into the game with next to no connections due to his distance from the community and the time that’s passed since playing the first time, and yet has found himself snugly in the majority with at least a few connections outside that alliance as some extra cushion. As someone who’s played closely with Jeff before, I know that this is exactly how he operated the first time and it’s tactful enough of a strategy that people might not see him taking control later on down the road until it’s too late.

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By Kimmi Kappenberg
Here's my Round 2

1. Penner

It’s very possible that his newly aggressive gameplay will come back to haunt him, but I’m loving balls-to-the-wall Penner and he’s doing a lot to ensure what he wants to happen happens. It’s very Tony-esque and I’m a fan. Definitely the frontrunner for this round.

2. Loveita
Not much to add after last time, but she’s still in the same spot from where I’m standing. Her grasp of various alliances in the game is really impressive. It’s not on the same level as Cassandra’s connection chart, but still impressive nonetheless

3. Alex
I love the Alex/Penner duo. But of course, this is about power rankings, not awesome buddy rankings. If it was He’d be tied with Penner for #1. But I digress. I’ve been very impressed with Alex so far. He was what I’d consider an honorable mention last round, but this round he’s really done well. He’s positioned super well, and his secret buddy-alliance with Penner is giving him a significant leg up in the hierarchy of the tribe, as well as getting him some real insight into the tribe dynamics. He doesn’t seem like he’d be willing to cut Penner himself, and I don’t know that Penner would want to cut him, but I could see him using his relationship with Penner to leverage a better position for himself over all and maybe eventually win the game.

4. Cristina
I’m putting Cristina here for pretty much the same reasons as Courtney for last round. But after things have developed a bit more, I think that Cristina is a little more connected than Courtney, a little more in the know than Courtney, and a little more well-liked than Courtney. Courtney is also appearing on at least one or two people’s radars as someone to watch, while Cristina is managing to stay on top of things as well as stay under the threat radar.

5. Kim M
The raw fury. I was considering Kim for the top 5 last round, but I had to include her this time. She’s been demonstrating a pretty decent grasp of the tribe dynamics, but now that she’s pissed off and really doesn’t have much to lose, I think she could do some real damage. But she’s also clearly smart and will definitely find a way to get things to go in her favor. Assuming she doesn’t get too angry and shows her hand this next round, and they don’t go to tribal again, I think she’ll make some power moves in a swap. She’s already pretty well positioned as it is, but now she’s got some real motivation to make some things happen.
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Let me take a crack at this with some poorly informed takes.

1. Cassandra
If this was straight up about who was calling the shots and holding all the power, this would be Penner's spot and it wouldn't be close. However his position out in front makes Cassandra the shockingly lowkey frontrunner in the game. people will likely look at Cochran, Penner and now Tammy as targets before Cass. Mostly because her approach to people is much less likely to rub people the wrong way. She's got information coming from all sides and has an accurate sense for everyone's motivation and behavior.

2. Loveita
There's no denying Loveita is the most strongly connected on Munin. It's tough to find a faction that could turn on her without getting snitched on. She has also brought her patented precise read on social dynamics to this game just like in Isolated 4. Love has folks above and below her both ready to protect her. She seems safe in the immediate and almost any swap scenario. Formidable positioning.

3. Alex
Swing vote position is one of my favorites if you have the savvy to manage it. Alex does, and could see himself seizing control earlier than anticipated. I'd like to see his broad game awareness go up a little and a strengthened link with Jeff, but he's in a good spot and knows it.

4. Cristina
She becomes more beloved every day on her tribe. She is in the know and not seen as super threatening. It seems like after Kim, the power group on Munin will be more likely to turn on Catalie or Courtney. They want easy votes and to maintain unity. Most people include Cristina in their list of "want to work with." Melinda could also be considered for this spot, but Cristina's clear upward trajectory compared to Melinda's stagnation gives her the nod.

5. Penner
As much as I think Penner is gonna have a massive fall from grace, I can't leave him off this because he is just too powerful. Any name Penner whispers on this tribe joins us on the lurker chat the next night; and they go unanimously. It's undoubtedly impressive.

Honorable mention: Jeff, Melinda, Val
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By Danni Boatwright

Cassandra: She remains to most observant and ridiculous strategist on Fenrir. Solidly in the numbers, has plenty of side relationships, and has been subtly throwing her stronger allies under the bus as the ones driving the tribe. Solid pre-merge contender unless the swap screws her.

Loveita: Not much has changed since I last wrote about Love. She is beloved by her tribe, is in a core alliance, has been included in multiple side alliances being set up throughout the tribe. Clearly threatening to her tribe, but no one would be dumb enough to take a shot at her with so many connections in this group. If she swaps with the right people, I think she's a formidable opponent.

Melinda: Another player who is solidly in the numbers, including being an integral part of the core power of Munin. I think she rates above players like Courtney and Cristina for me because her name isn't being mentioned by anyone as a potential power player. If she can continue to strengthen her bonds with some of the less relevant players like Stephanie and Kim, I could see her being in an ideal position at a swap.

Penner: It pains me to list him here because I don't like the kind of game he's playing, but you can't deny that he's effective. He is leading the charge on Fenrir and has multiple players on the outside thinking they're in his core. With loyalty from Alex and now Aubry, it will be hard to take a solid shot at him despite being such a clear threat. If you're looking for a meat shield, he's your guy.

Kim M. : This is probably just personal preference talking, but Kim has stellar relationships with the non-revenge players on Fenrir, and now has the drive to pull them together. After being informed last minute about the Ziggy boot, she's out for blood and I think she has the strategic and social chops to pull off something big. The test for her will be making something happen without becoming such a threat that people turn around and take her out.

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By Kimmi Kappenberg
Round 3

1. Kim
Kim is in such a power position in this swap. She’s got Penner at her mercy, and with Loveita and Melinda on that tribe I don’t doubt that they’ll identify that and pounce on the opportunity to flip her. Everyone on that tribe is gonna be looking for someone to flip with that breakdown, and Kim isn’t even a crack at this point, she’s a canyon.

2. Courtney
Courtney is primed for running her new tribe. Even if something wacky goes down, I don’t think she’ll be on the chopping block over someone like Catalie or maybe even Val. She’s positioned well enough to run things while not being the obvious choice to get flipped on if things get hairy.

3. Jeff
I was worried for Jeff’s chances once we started to see the tribes fill up. But I think things panned out perfectly for him here. Besides the obvious fact that he’s in the majority for now 4-2, he’s got a giant meat shield in Cochran with him (who doubles as an ally) and Joaquin on the other side of the numbers. He’s got connections with Tammy and Yve, and he’s got history with Russell. And most of those connections are relatively unknown or at least aren’t as glaringly obvious as some others. He’s expressed dissatisfaction with Cochran’s running things, and I could see him aiding a coup against him, or just riding out the majority. Either way, I think he’s sitting pretty.

4. Loveita
Can’t have one of these without Loveita, apparently. She’s not quite as well-positioned from the getgo, which is why I have her in 4th below the above players who are established with good setups already. Loveita will have a little work cut out for her and everything depends on how she handles things. But the cracks (Kim) are there, she just has to find them. And given how outright pissed off Kim is and how social Loveita is, she is someone who could very easily expose that crack and take advantage of it.

5. Alex
My dark horse pick this round. He’s not in an amazing position, and to get anywhere he’d have a lot of work ahead of him. But I don’t think he’s out of this yet. My bold prediction for this tribe is Aubry gets the boot first if they lose, and then if they lose again I anticipate that Alex would have the time and opportunity to lay social inroads and with players of this caliber, I’d be shocked if they stuck with the pagonging for longer than that first round. People get antsy. I mean, if they vote out Alex and lose a third time, who would go next? They’ll be thinking about that. I think he’s got a shot here.

Kimmi Kappenberg

By Danni Boatwright
(Late on these sorry)
1-Courtney: Never seen a swap play out so well for someone before WOW. Swapped with her connection Catalie, and her new ally in Steph. Also swaps with Val who is a GREAT social player and logical enough to stick with the Munin numbers that swapped together. I could see this foursome getting very powerful if they can make it through this swap together.

2-Kim M- Swapped to a tribe where she can take out Penner. It's actually probably not great for her long term game but I stan this position for her anyways. She has the option to flip on cass and penner and make an alliance with the Munin players, but I don't see her being targeted at all. Could be the perfect opportunity for a power grab.

3-Val-Great swap and I think she'll be able to find he footing while cementing alliances with key members from Munin 1.0 that she wasn't the closest with before. She's been a strong social player all season, but I think this swap sets her up to gain some momentum and power in the game.

4-Jeff-swapped to a majority and is unlikely to be targeted by any of coch/yve/tammy. Has the opportunity to swing with joaq and russ if things start to go south for him. I have faith in his social skills in this group to play this well

5-Loveita- swapping with melinda and christina is a great setup for her. Add in that Kim M is looking to kill penner and i think she could be safe through the next swap. All of the munin girls that swapped together on this tribe are interchangable for me position wise, but i think love has been the most consistent of the 3.

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By Danni Boatwright
My top 5 doesn't change this round but some placements do.

1-Kim Shoots to the top of my contenders list due to her powerful position on Munin. Her only potential downfall on this tribe is if Penner/Cass catch on to her quest for vengance against them. I think regardless, the trio of Cristina/Melinda/Loveita would choose her over Penner and Cass

2-Val moves up after dominating the strategy on Fenrir for the last tribal. She made the ultimate call to take out Alex over Aubrey because Alex is more competent in the challenges/has better standing in the game. I think shes calling the shots but on the tribe it seems to be coming off catalie

3-Courtney is still solid in her alliance on Fenrir, and I doubt she would be the one in trouble if they had to turn on one another. I think if she can make it to a swap with her current 4some in tact, she becomes top contender for me again.

4-Love's write up remains the same as last round.

5-Jeff's write up also remains the same.

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By Gary Hogeboom
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Post swap Contenders:
1. Val - seems to have influence over her tribe. Moreso than Loveita, who appears safe, but won't be the one starting moves on the tribe. Basically drove the Alex boot and would have similar influence if they return to tribal.
2.Cristina - Has the best read on her tribe and is trusted
3. Cochran - being the biggest gamer on a 5 person tribe has it's advantages. His paranoia is getting the best of him but he's slipped into "strike first" mentality which will serve well in the immediate. It seems like if there's a flip on this tribe, the target would be Tammy so Coch gets the power spot.
4. Loveita - still solid positioning but isn't wielding power as much as she did on her OG tribe.
5. Jeff - solidly UTR strategically, but in the know. Seems completely safe on his tribe. He has no problems socially but might lack overall game awareness.

wow it's really hard to rank nuMunin. They're stacked. I mostly wanted to include Cristina because she's stepping up lately. But that could've easily gone to Cass or Kim.

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By Danni Boatwright
Gary Hogeboom wrote: Thu Apr 09, 2020 8:04:58 am wow it's really hard to rank nuMunin. They're stacked. I mostly wanted to include Cristina because she's stepping up lately. But that could've easily gone to Cass or Kim.
In an ideal world this group avoids tribal and we get all 6 at the next swap. It’s hard to rank because they’ve all thrown out SO many ideas and plans and I don’t think we will get a true sense of who has the power until they’re forced to vote

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By Danni Boatwright
WHEW what a round. A lot changed here.
1-Loveita: she remains a beloved member of Munin. Despite being seen as a huge social threat, most plans that she isn't involved with revolve around taking out melinda in order to free up Love as a number. I think she'll have the most options come merge, and I'm excited to see how she navigates them

2-Catalie: Making her debut on my list as she throws her allies Courtney and Val under the bus to gain Stephanie's loyalties. Val's idol has been revealed to the whole tribe, and a courtney blindside has been discussed. This NuFenrir tribe is messy, but I think Catalie is at the epicenter and will sneak her way into the merge. She's the threat on this tribe that no one sees coming

3-Cristina: pivotal vote on NuMunin right now and I want to see them go to tribal SO badly to see what she does. She's being courted by both sides, and has really come into her own in the social portion of the game. I think she'll be a crucial number at the merge, with allies coming from both original tribes.

4-Kim: Similar position to Cristina as I've outlined before. Set up to make moves on NuMunin and is being courted as a vote by everyone. I think she dropped a little for me as a conteder as I saw Cristina make plans to double cross Kim and get her own way. Still someone with the social chops and cross tribal relationships to do damage at a merge

5-Joaquin: Literally was on his way out of the game when Russell went for the immunity tonight. But a well timed idol find caused chaos on his tribe and shattered the trust between the OG Fenrir majority. I think he solidly set himself up to rejoin his core 4 alliance, his side piece in Russell, and has a new ally in Tammy. I wouldn't be surprised to see Varner and Yve flock to the power either. Lets hope he can keep it going!

Honorable mentions: Russell, Tammy

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By Gary Hogeboom
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Merge tenders

1. Melinda. She has struck up a couple old school relationships to supplement her undying love and loyalty to Loveita. Loveita might be a shield for Melinda at this point and I could easily see her slipping all the way to the end.

2. Loveita. Her biggest struggle is gonna be threat management. Shes seen as a social powerhouse and as a strategic threat. How much can she manage that threat level moving forward? Especially if she wins immunities or orchestrates a big idol blindside...

3. Jeff. Here is where it turns to who seems safest. Although he was briefly in jeopardy, I find it hard to imagine a scenario where Jeff becomes a target here in the early merge. He lost alot of trust last tribal but doesnt seem to have lost faith. I can still see a ton of paths to the win for him. He lacks connections but is trying to fins some new ones. We will see if he can work it out.

4. Val. With Courtney out of her way, Val is gonna be able to branch out and build on her purple roots. She should be safe with people like Joaquin and Russell hoping to recomnect and use her vote for a few rounds.

5. Cristina. She's cozied up to Love but also is a very solid under the radar threat. Shes got plans and the capital to pull them off but her biggest worry might be getting caught in a crossfire as she's perceived as being second fiddle to some of the OG munins.

Honorable mentions: Cass, Cat

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By Danni Boatwright
1- Loveita: I know it feels like the hosts are all sucking her dick, but I honestly think she's the best positioned person in the tribe. With an idol in her pocket and an ally with an extra vote, I think she should be safe for at least a few more rounds. She is on a lot of people's radars at the moment for her stellar social game, but I still think she's got a deep run in her.

2- Cristina: Her stock has been on a steady rise for me since round 2. She's lovable, smart, and still not on anyone's radar as a threat. I think her relationship with Kim will be essential for her game, especially if the first few votes are just taking out OG Gold numbers. If she can keep her side piece in the game while successfully reconnecting with Love/Val/Steph, I think she has a great shot

3-Joaquin: probably the boldest choice on this list, but I believe the merge came at a perfect time for him. He solidified relationships with Tammy and Jeff on his swap tribe where he saved himself with an idol. He has a solid relationship with Russell, and now reunites with his OG alliance members in Love/Melinda. He also has his tight alliance with Val which could prove to be vital. ON TOP OF ALL OF THAT, he comes in with some pregame relationships with Penner who is finally on the same tribe as him, and that could lead to some potential opportunities to flip down the line. He's a big threat, but an all winners season may just be where the big threat can prosper.

4-Jeff: merge came at a perfect time for him as well. I think reconnecting with Penner and Cassandra is vital to his long term game, and time will tell if he can build the connections with OG Purple to make it to the end and win a jury vote. He seems hella likable, so I think if he can get a foot in the door he could do it.

5-Val: This last spot was tough for me to decide, but I chose Val because of how many connections she's going to reconnect with here at the merge. She's back with Joaquin and Russell who she was tight with on Munin. She reconnects with Love and Christina who she had an alliance with. She comes in with Catalie and Stephanie who she just solidified and alliance with. She is quite possibly the most insulated player from OG munin, and it isn't even close. HOWEVER, I think she lacks connections to the OG Fenrir's and could easily find herself in hot water when Munin players want to turn on one another.

Honorable Mentions: Russell, Cass, Melinda

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By Danni Boatwright
Don't @ me about Cass not being on this list. Stan her, but i think she's toast. Also, I'm going to start highlighting which of my contenders are dead so you all can laugh at me in the lurkers server for thinking these fucks were playing well. The Munin implosion was fun to watch though :)


1-Cristina: I think Cristina has become the most influential Munin player on the board after this last round. Her relationship with Kim came in quite handy, and she was being courted by power players like Cass and Penner to try and get her vote on an OG purple. In fact, she was willing to flip on Russell, but the plan came together too close to tribal so it never caught steam. Regardless, Melinda's thrown vote has led to some perfect cover for her, and it looks like she may have the best options for flipping back and forth between voting blocks moving forward

2-Jeff: idk why I have him this high, I just feel like he benefits most from the chaos of yesterday's vote. He was an openly named target before the immunity win and then spent the day on the outs with no one approaching him about who to target. However, with the Fenrir crew banding together, he is solidly in a powerful voting block, and is nowhere near as threatening as players like Cass/Penner/Kim. However, he's likable and I think he'll go deep as long as he doesn't become a name that gets thrown out as the easy boot every round, especially since he's already been mentioned.

3-Kim: I've been high on Kim for a while now and this vote proved to me that my fandom was not misplaced. Kim is fucking smart. Her tight duo with Tammy and her relationship with Cristina are proving to be very important pieces on the board, and i don't think many people know that Kim was the ultimate lynchpin of the vote last night. If she can maintain this middle position and make some key flips in the merge, I think she could stand a real shot at the end.

4-Catalie: This one is a weird pick but it was a weird round. Catalie pulling together the Orgy alliance of Cat/Steph/Tammy/Kim could be a defining moment of the season, or it could go nowhere. I think this round was a sign that it will be fraught at best, but Catalie was included in a lot of conversations about where the vote was going to be headed tonight. I think what stands out for me is her willingness to throw allies and enemies alike under the bus at any moment, and I think that will serve her well in a game with so many good players.

5-Tammy: Another one of the players who is effectively playing the middle right now. After being stonewalled by the munin majority (who were counting her as a vote) during the scramble, she and Kim were put into a powerful position to be able to choose which way the vote went last night. I personally believe they chose right, and I think Tammy is well suited to move forward. Like I said with Kim, if they can maintain their working relationships on both sides of the tribe, they could be going deep.

Honorable mentions: Cass because holy SHIT is she here to play

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Intro: Cristina effectively tanked her game by blueballing OG fenrir on 2 straight tribal flips. She has pretty much no intact bridges across tribe except possibly Kim...

1. Tammy - A well timed flip and a solid line of justification for her vote against Jeff has left Tammy in a high-powered position and high demand vote. :steamy:
2. Joaquin - Everyone kinda hates him, but also wants to work with/use him? Somehow Russell is a bigger target than Joaquin so Joaq has scooted his way into a massively powerful spot and just nabbed the merge idol to escape danger if it comes for him. :drool:
3. Stephanie - Stephanie has found herself in a couple large alliances and is my choice for UTR contender at this point in the merge. She's been slowly cashing in on pregame connections. The only dirt against her right now is her storied challenge prowess. But this cast being so loaded with immunity hogs makes it difficult to imagine that making her a choice vote. One of the most boring possible winners here is also one of the most plausible... :yikes:
4. Kim - Some people see Melinda Loveita as the most "in-the-middle" threats but from outside perspective that duo seems pretty Munin strong. Kim, however, is still being courted by both sides. This has also led to her being targetted lightly by both sides but her status as a "gettable" vote is keeping her safe thus far. Can that last? :dunno:
5. Loveita - This last spot could honestly be anybody. Most of the remaining contenders fit a similar ilk: Seen as a huge threat and will be in the sights of everyone going forward. I'm giving it to Loveita until Melinda proves she is going to fully turn her back on Love. My gut says Melinda will take the fall first. :seeno:

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By Danni Boatwright
I think our decision to rank the players is cursing them ngl
1-Kim: I still have high hopes for Kim. She's a solid player, is being courted by both the Munin and Fenrir cores, and has a good relationship with the Orgy crew. If she can come together with the OG Munins for even one vote to show she's worth keeping around, I think she sets herself up for an endgame run

2-Tammy: Her flip at the last tribal came at a perfect time, and Cristina kinda blowing her middle spot makes for a good cover. I'll be interested to see how long she can pull this off before others catch on, but for someone who has played with THE MOST other players on the tribe, no one seems to be bringing her up as a target.

3-Catalie: Quiet round for Cat *meow*. However, I still think her proposed Orgy alliance with Kim/Tammy/Steph is getting close to being able to do some real damage. On top of that, I don't see Catalie mentioned as a potential target very often, which could mean shes a sleeper threat for the win or that she's irrelevant. I personally think it's the former :)

4-Cristina: She did some real damage to her brand this past round. By leading the Fenrir majority on for a few rounds about a potential flip, she now has some major blood on her hands for throwing out Russ's name and then not following through. This feels like the first misstep that I've seen in her game, and I really want to see her recover. If she can get her footing back, big things could happen.

5-Joaquin: A second idol, Cass and Penner sucking his dick to get a big threats alliance going. On top of that, he has a wonderful shield in Russell who is really getting on people's nerves. A well timed idol play in this merge could set joaq up for his second win.

Honorable mentions: Loveita

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At this point i is honestly easier to say who is NOT a contender. That would be: Yve, Russell, Melinda. Everyone else has a genuine shot at this right now. But I can point out 5 (maybe it's time to switch to top 4) who kinda stand out as viable contenders.
1. Tammy - Not much has changed since last round. She's perceived as in an alliance with Joaquin and Russell but is third on the pecking order. She's also IN the emerging majority of ORGY folks and has not been picked out as running that either.
2. Joaquin - Probably a big enough target that he shouldn't be here, but his found vote steal and idol make it a lot easier for him to skirt through danger and he has enough connections to sniff out a blindside and stop it.
3. Penner - He successfully lowered his status in the game from a massive target premerge to a more subdued ally and underdog now. Makes for a solid way to maneuver through a chaotic merge game.
4. Kim - Still one of the most flexible players, she seems willing to blow with the wind and people aren't hating her for it. If she can keep that up she's almost certain to make the end.
5. Stephanie - If people start targeting challenge threats Stephanie might be the last one to go because she doesn't have many other elements to her game that people are fearful of. That puts her in an excellent position to turn on the jets strategically around f7 and compete her way to the end.

Honorable mentions: Catalie, Cassandra (These two are inarguably making the most moves and being the most aggressive strategically right now but that means, to me, they're gonna get blindsided sooner rather than later.)

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By Danni Boatwright
Tempted to stop doing this so I can stop cursing my faves
1-Kim: not much has changed. I see her in the most flexible position on the tribe, and she seems willing to cut allies and enemies alike to make it further. Plus she's fun and I want her to win so bite me.

2-Tammy: Same position(ish) as kim. Included in the undercover Orgy alliance, good with Joaquin and Russell, good with Penner and Cassandra. I just think her position is ideal.

3-Catalie: MEOW she's here to play. Head of the Orgy alliance, and now included in Joaquin's big threats alliance, I think she's an obvious threat with too many people trying to use her as a shield. I think if she continues to step it up she becomes a major threat to win.

4-Joaquin: Another idol, a new advantage, and a big threats alliance all coming together in one round solidifies him as a major contender. However, I believe all of his allies are aware of how well he is playing and could easily offer him up as a mercy kill.

5-Penner: Now included in the big threats alliance, I think Penner is seen as the least threatening of Joaquin/Cassandra/Catalie/Penner and that will be to his benefit. Should that alliance stick together and get some power, I see him as the least likely target.

Honorable mention: Cass
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By Danni Boatwright
My list hasn't changed since last round. I'll give a brief comment on each of their games and how i think it impacts them moving forward.
1-Kim: Very middle of the road episode for Kim. I think removing Melinda from the board allows her lower the threat of the NuMunin rumors, keeps her in sync with the orgy alliance, and doesn't cause many waves. Joaq thinks she has an idol though so she should watch out for him

2-Tammy: Immunity whore apparently. Could be bad news for her if people think shes a challenge threat. Hopefully she can pass that target off onto someone like Stephanie. Russell's fucked up whispering may hurt her position a bit, but I still think she's in a solid spot.

3-Catalie: For someone with such a notorious reputation, she's not really being talked about as a target at all, which is fascinating. I think she's set to go deep. Big threats and Orgy alliance are gonna battle it out for the win, and she's in both of them lol.

4-Joaquin: He overplayed a lot this round, but I think he can pull it together. An idol in his pocket will help immensely. It seems that russell is implicitly loyal to him which is another benefit, although the fuck ups and blatant alliance talk at tribals makes it a bit too obvious.

5-Penner: Still seems to be the least threatening of the big threats alliance. No one is actively targeting him at the moment which is a good sign

Honorable mention: Cass

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