By Nate Gonzalez
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Congratulations for making the Final 17! This is a huge accomplishment in Stranded, and particularly in an All-Winners season every day is an accomplishment!

1. Tribe Dynamics – the core to the game you are playing. How are you getting along with everybody so far? Who do you think is a threat? Do you have any plans for the present? Plans for the future? Plans for the past????

2. Challenges – how do you think that challenge went? How do you think the upcoming challenge will go? If you've done the challenge already, how did it go?

3. Hidden Immunity Idols and Secret Advantages – can’t live with them, can’t live without them. Do you think any are in the game? Do you know who has them? How’s the hunt going?

4. “You better get ready? It’s coming for you. The fire is burning and when this is through – one sole will survive. Winners at War.” What lyrics or song is playing as you pull off a badass move that affirms your badassery as a winner? (pls, I'm making a Spotify playlist)

Nate Gonzalez

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By Yve
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Hi. I am kind of in love with my fellow Chicago boys Russell and Joaquin. Definitely feel closer to them than anyone else in the game right now. Interested in flipping, but the conversation hasn't really gone to that? So I'm assuming someone else has already flipped. SO at this point I think I'm voting with them, unless they're voting for me, which is also a huge possibility. Because as much as I love my Chi boys, I'm pretty sure they might find me a little annoying lol.


  • Valentine Tribe

    Valentine Tribe
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By Yve
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1. Tribe Dynamics – the core to the game you are playing. How are you getting along with everybody so far? Who do you think is a threat? Do you have any plans for the present? Plans for the future? Plans for the past????
I'm really in the dark about players and their past relationships. This is 34+ seasons in the making! So much history, and everyone only truly knows their own. A select few of us, however, seem to know a bit more about everyone else. My goal is to discover the information I need, and proceed. Of course, everyone is only going to give me what they want to give me, so I have to create a narrative around that. It's very complicated, but I'm going to make the best choice I can with that information.
2. Challenges – how do you think that challenge went? How do you think the upcoming challenge will go? If you've done the challenge already, how did it go?
It went great! The results were so close. I called that the purple tribe was faking it, so I am the prettiest and smartest person in this game as a result. I absolutely think that anyone who feels in danger will grab the immunity. Statistically, if someone feels like they're vulnerable at tribal tonight they SHOULD take it. Joaquin posted in the challenge second, so I know he took it. And he might give any idol he has to Russell to keep them both alive. So I've got to weigh those options.
3. Hidden Immunity Idols and Secret Advantages – can’t live with them, can’t live without them. Do you think any are in the game? Do you know who has them? How’s the hunt going?
Oh, absolutely. There are at least two advantages, and five HII in the game currently. And I have none of them lol.

4. “You better get ready? It’s coming for you. The fire is burning and when this is through – one sole will survive. Winners at War.” What lyrics or song is playing as you pull off a badass move that affirms your badassery as a winner? (pls, I'm making a Spotify playlist)
What a good question! First of all, I hope to never hear that survivor song again. My theme song would be "Mileena's Theme" the Mortal Kombat 9 soundtrack song. Thnxxx.


  • Valentine Tribe

    Valentine Tribe
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By Yve
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I've been online since around 2pm CST today and the only folks who have really been on have been Joaquin, Jeff, and Russell. Which says a lot about about how comfortable or uninterested in the vote tonight.

I'm nervous. And I'm ready to do whatever I need to survive. This is thrilling.


  • Valentine Tribe

    Valentine Tribe
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