By Nate Gonzalez
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Congratulations for making the Final 17! This is a huge accomplishment in Stranded, and particularly in an All-Winners season every day is an accomplishment!

1. Tribe Dynamics – the core to the game you are playing. How are you getting along with everybody so far? Who do you think is a threat? Do you have any plans for the present? Plans for the future? Plans for the past????

2. Challenges – how do you think that challenge went? How do you think the upcoming challenge will go? If you've done the challenge already, how did it go?

3. Hidden Immunity Idols and Secret Advantages – can’t live with them, can’t live without them. Do you think any are in the game? Do you know who has them? How’s the hunt going?

4. “You better get ready? It’s coming for you. The fire is burning and when this is through – one sole will survive. Winners at War.” What lyrics or song is playing as you pull off a badass move that affirms your badassery as a winner? (pls, I'm making a Spotify playlist)

Nate Gonzalez

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1. Tribe Dynamics – the core to the game you are playing. How are you getting along with everybody so far? Who do you think is a threat? Do you have any plans for the present? Plans for the future? Plans for the past????

I've honestly really been trying to be #sociallystrong. It feels like it's between me and Joaq right now and Joaq, based on what I know, is just really trying to find greener grasses and leaving me to dry which I'm not upset about. But, I know that he's the larger threat than me and he's being much more strategically aggressive. I'm trying to be the more social foil. Joaq has Tammy and, I believe, Yve and so I feel more inclined to go with Cochran and Jeff, while still working on Yve.

2. Challenges – how do you think that challenge went? How do you think the upcoming challenge will go? If you've done the challenge already, how did it go?

Challenge went pretty smoothly. I think we all wanted to win. I think the upcoming challenge is that "send your group to tribal if you click quick enough" and guaranteed I'll click quick enough. I won this last season. If me or Joaq wins, it'll send them into quite the spiral because they can't split.

3. Hidden Immunity Idols and Secret Advantages – can’t live with them, can’t live without them. Do you think any are in the game? Do you know who has them? How’s the hunt going?

This one's harder, obviously, and I worked really hard to find it but I got too in the weeds. I don't want to have a mentality of "oh, its found" because people have had that in the past. However, I was on an hour afterward and, if last time was super easy, this time probably was to and I kind of assume Joaq got it.

4. “You better get ready? It’s coming for you. The fire is burning and when this is through – one sole will survive. Winners at War.” What lyrics or song is playing as you pull off a badass move that affirms your badassery as a winner? (pls, I'm making a Spotify playlist)

"Talk without a taint or hold
The doubts that should embrace your heart
The calm and chaos of your soul
You know you might surprise yourself"

-Surprise Yourself, Jack Garrett


  • Valentine Tribe

    Valentine Tribe
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I'm really leaning into being chaotic neutral today. Cochran is doing a lot of social engineering to get his soldiers in a row. He wants his lieutenant Jeff to keep me in line while he's away, but Jeff is no leader. Instead of developing a trust with me and Joaq, he's just fishing info from us, so I'm doing the best to give him the information that makes him the most scared.

There are so many cracks with these four and, if I get immunity and we go to TC, I want them to scramble.


  • Valentine Tribe

    Valentine Tribe
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I'm really feeling chaotic this game for some reason and it's freeing. Just doing what's wild and fun is an exciting way to play Survivor. With winners, you can't guarantee that playing chill and safe and lowkey will get you far. So, if someone's gonna fuck you eventually, might as well go out guns blazing, right?


  • Valentine Tribe

    Valentine Tribe
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