- Fri Apr 10, 2020 4:55:13 pm
LMAO, when we lose. Uh, I'm playing my idol, so that's solved. I'm legiterally so upset by this catastrophe. I don't want to sit here and discuss which of these fine people I genuinely like has to go. This fucking sucks.
I have Court and Cat with whom I have an alliance of three, but Cat legitimately scares me. I am FAIRLY CERTAIN that Courtney and her are no. 1s, but it's not like I can snatch either of them off if brutally vote off their other half.
That leaves me with Steph, who claims to be my number 1 here. I have og tribe alliance with her, Love, and. Cristina. Did I super trust it? No. Would it be great if I didn't have to be the one to split it up? Yes.
Imagine we could win an immunity! Huh!