-- 14th Place - 1st Juror - Voted Out 7-6-1-1 --
By Val
LMAO, when we lose. Uh, I'm playing my idol, so that's solved. I'm legiterally so upset by this catastrophe. I don't want to sit here and discuss which of these fine people I genuinely like has to go. This fucking sucks.

I have Court and Cat with whom I have an alliance of three, but Cat legitimately scares me. I am FAIRLY CERTAIN that Courtney and her are no. 1s, but it's not like I can snatch either of them off if brutally vote off their other half.

That leaves me with Steph, who claims to be my number 1 here. I have og tribe alliance with her, Love, and. Cristina. Did I super trust it? No. Would it be great if I didn't have to be the one to split it up? Yes.

Imagine we could win an immunity! Huh!


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By Val
Catalie Turning on Court is a new dev. I think i kinda read that via her being confused as to why court didn't want me to tell Steph about my idol. Now that Cat and Steph want court gone... the most logical and clean decision is court... and the most emotional decision.


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