RUDE RICHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I wish you were here, these people SUCK. First of all none of them have given me an idol clue, and second of all, none of them are helping me MAKE MOVES.
1. Has anyone voluntarily given you the answer to a hidden immunity idol clue yet?
Hopefully that is why you are here. There are people here who LIVE for these idols so I don't think I stand a chance so I haven't really bothered looking.
2. Congrats on the merge! Last time this is when you really thrived - what's your plan to fuck shit up again?
You'll have to wait and see. I don't know what I'm going to do yet but I am feeling very much like I am in a very bad position and I think the only way for me to survive much longer is to hope they want to get rid of bigger targets, and - shockingly - I don't think people think I am a big target. I mean, who am I but little ol' Jeff.
3. In rank order, who do you feel closest and least close to? What would have to happen for this to change?
I'll answer this better at a later time but here is a
JEFF )))) Penner )) Cassandra )))) Yve )) Kim )))))))))))))) Tammy ) Joaquin ) everyone else.
4. How do you think you are perceived on the tribe? Are you a big threat? Are you under the radar? Somewhere in between? Are you happy with how you're perceived?
I don't think I am on anyone's radar for gameplay reasons which is insulting. I think I am -probably- under the radar but I think that I am more at risk here because of that, because I could be an easy boot at merge where people are like "who cares, let's just get rid of him and not cause any waves yet"
5. This a relative 'early merge'. How does that effect your strategy, if at all?
I mean I think that the smart move for me is to lay low for right now and hope they take out bigger threats but I do kind of want to rally up some troops and make some moves, but I feel a complete inability to do so. I feel I have no sway or agency with anyone and that is frustrating to me because that is like my entire game, pushing toward moves. So I feel a bit fucked right now.
I will answer the questions from Danni later on as well.