By Russell
First I apologize that my confessionals have been lackluster in this game so far! I have had a WILD time and I am constantly distracted because these people demand so much out of me socially.

First, what happened? Melinda and Catalie, throughout the day, were unhappy with the Yve vote. I was ALSO unhappy with an Yve vote and would've preferred Penner or Kim. I think Catalie purposefully threw her vote and I think that Melinda purposefully didn't vote. Someone either played a double on Yve and another person stray voted me OR someone voted Yve and me with a double.

That first Russell vote made my heart sink tbh. Good job trolling me there. Getting a stray vote is never a good sign because it means one of Cristina and Loveita have their targets set on me and TBH, bring it. I was actually thinking I was kind of a goat in this game but I love that people might actually be threatened by me. Someone posted a predicted boot list and it put me in the robbed last juror spot, so iconic. Gives me a bit of a confidence boost.

In terms of how I move forward, I have a general trust in Steph, Catalie, and I guess Joaq but I can't rely too much on that. I need to reinforce deeper bonds with Tammy, Kim, and Yve as best as I can and AT least have more transparent talks with Cassandra, Jeff, and Penner.

Melania (as I'll now refer to her) is playing a terrible game and everything that comes out of her mouth is infected diarrhea. Lov has it out for me, but I do think that there is something to be salvaged with Cristina IF indeed I am also supposed to be snuggling up with Kim.

Also, I plan on winning this challenge just like I did in Austranded to better secure myself.


  • Valentine Tribe

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By Russell
The HARDEST aspect of this game is that, whenever you talk to someone, you have to talk with the pretense of certain information. For TWELVE OTHER PEOPLE, I have to keep track in my head of what we both claim to know and that is HARD.

I can't imagine doing this IRL, whew.


  • Valentine Tribe

    Valentine Tribe
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