-- 7th Place - 8th Juror - Voted Out 4-3 --
By Gary Hogeboom
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12 people left, that's one for every month of the year!

1. On paper this looked like a much simpler vote than the last one. The Valentine tribe seems split in 2, Are these old lines or has a new majority formed? Do you expect similar voting blocks next round?
2. Were you surprised at all by Jeff's departure? Tell us why Jeff going was good for your game. If it wasn't, what's your plan to pivot going forward?
3. It seems like idols are having an effect on every tribal without even coming out. How can you maintain control over votes without knowing the location of (other) idols and advantages? What do you know for sure about what people have up their sleeve?

uhhh, Danni usually puts some corny emojis in these so here: :bird: :grief:

Gary Hogeboom

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12 people left, that's one for every month of the year!
and they say academia doesn't prepare you for life
1. On paper this looked like a much simpler vote than the last one. The Valentine tribe seems split in 2, Are these old lines or has a new majority formed? Do you expect similar voting blocks next round?
you're right it was pretty simple. OG Munin voted for Jeff, and OG Fenrir voted for Russ, the exception being that.

a lot of the Munin people were pretty pissed that it looks like two people (Melinda and Catalie) getting cute last vote cost Val her spot in the game. So people, generally, more willing to sack up and just vote for a target to ensure Munin didn't get pagonged.

The one exception was Cristina. Who played this round like this:

She completely cockteased the Fenrirs into thinking she'd flip, although apparently she did really consider it, and tammy is claiming that they are fuming right now which is PERFECT for me. i love it when people do unnecessary things, you can capitalize on them

i think this is probably the last vote where it's "Munin vs Fenrir", the game is about to be afoot

2. Were you surprised at all by Jeff's departure? Tell us why Jeff going was good for your game. If it wasn't, what's your plan to pivot going forward?
not surprised at all, i knew exactly which votes were going where.

i actually like varner a lot as a person, we get along really well. we just never ended up crossing paths strategically this game for whatever reason. after not voting together for three straight tribals, and the fact that he's not one of these huge threats i need for my big threat alliance, made him dispensable. it was also easy for everyone else. in past games ive had trouble where i get along with someone, but i keep out hope that we can work something out down the line because i like them. and almost always thats never a good choice.
3. It seems like idols are having an effect on every tribal without even coming out. How can you maintain control over votes without knowing the location of (other) idols and advantages? What do you know for sure about what people have up their sleeve?
this baaaaaaad boy found his second idol of the game. i nearly blew it too, lol, after the second clue was posted i knew immediately what the answer was because i already looked at the page briefly yesterday. but i tried all of the top ones, none of them worked and i literally showed russ the page and said it was already found. but then i went back and im like...if i KNOW this is it, i'd be stupid not to try every fuckin word on this page, at least. and low and behold there it was on the bottom, in all its glory. good until final six and if i have my way i wont have to play it for a bit, although people probably suspect me of having it.


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since when am I the strategic king that needs to lecture PENNER on how to play the fucking game?!?!

i have emphasized to penner since we started talking strategy that we need to COMBINE THE THREATS. you cant just get people together who you like. of course he immediately starts pitching Melinda without asking me (who is goaty right now imo) and she IMMEDIATELY SAYS WE CANT LET HIM ANYWHERE NEAR THE END

and i told penner this since he needs to not fuck this up for me

jesus FUCKING christ


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