-- 9th Place - 6th Juror - Voted Out (6)-3 --
By Gary Hogeboom
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12 people left, that's one for every month of the year!

1. On paper this looked like a much simpler vote than the last one. The Valentine tribe seems split in 2, Are these old lines or has a new majority formed? Do you expect similar voting blocks next round?
2. Were you surprised at all by Jeff's departure? Tell us why Jeff going was good for your game. If it wasn't, what's your plan to pivot going forward?
3. It seems like idols are having an effect on every tribal without even coming out. How can you maintain control over votes without knowing the location of idols and advantages? What do you know for sure about what people have up their sleeve?

uhhh, Danni usually puts some corny emojis in these so here: :bird: :grief:

Gary Hogeboom

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By Tammy
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It was a simple vote for the most part and it was just made needlessly complicated by Cristina :eyeroll:

So once again, there was really no plan made at all during the day. Then in the last hour, Cass & Kim come to me convinced that Cristina is going to flip and vote for Russell. But Russ and Joaq have also come to me saying that they know that Kim & Cass are trying to get Cristina to flip because Cristina told them... which means... Cristina is not flipping. I tried to tell them that I didn't think it was legit but they wouldn't listen, which is kind of the problem with the Cass/Penner/Kim group right now, they're really overestimating their own read on the dynamics of the Munin people. So I went to Cristina and straight up asked her if she was voting for Russell and the bitch blatantly mislead me into believing she was. Like, it wasn't even a believable lie, it was 100% clear to me that she was lying to my face and encouraging me to vote for Russell even though she wasn't going to. That would have sunk my entire game because Cat, Steph, Joaq and Russ trusting me so much is completely dependent on them believing I would never compromise to write their names down. All four of them have to believe that I will go to bat for them and not let them be a "default target" in order for me to have their protection here. So I told Cristina I'm not going to do it if she's not doing it and she goes "Tammy relax, you're fine tonight! :wink: " Like yeah I know that you stupid cow but how are YOU voting?

So Cat & Joaq come to me and tell me that their side is voting Jeff, and so now I'm in this weird spot where I have to figure out during Tribal Council who to vote for. If I don't vote for Russell and that somehow prevents Fenrir from tying up the numbers, I'm a fucking idiot who will never forgive myself. If I vote for Jeff and the Fenrir lied to me and voted someone else, I'm in an awkward position with Jeff and I'm not trusted as much as I thought I was. So I voted for Jeff thinking it would be the path of least damage control afterward, and luckily I was right. Jeff was leaving no matter what and I look like I came through for Russ and that group. But obviously, my target increases somewhat because Melinda/Love/Cristina are probably wondering why I was looped into the vote that was supposed to be just Munin.

(also random self-brag: I am now the only person in this game with a :100: voting record). That was not the intention at all but it was just something I realized after I was the only person on the right side of both votes come merge.

So now on to tonight. What's happening? I think some people expect Yve to be targeted because she's a compromise. But that can't happen, because Yve/Jeff were the only things standing in the way of the NuMunin bringing my name up. If both of them are gone, I become their next easiest target. Some of the Cat/Steph/Joaq/Russ group might push for someone like Penner or Cass to break up NuMunin, but I don't see Love or Melinda going that route.

So... I want to target Cristina tonight. I don't know if I can make it happen, but I have a lot of points to make to people:
  • (To: Cat/Joaq/Steph/Russ): Cristina leaving knocks the NuMunin numbers down without giving Fenrir the numbers
    (To Kim/Penner/Cass/Yve): None of ex-Fenrir should trust Cristina after how obviously she mislead us last night
    Cristina was the one to bring Russell's name up last vote.
    She tried to pin the Russell vote from the first Tribal Council on Melinda. Did Melinda do it? I don't know, I don't care, but if Melinda finds out Cristina is throwing her under the bus she could get on-board to vote her off.
    She tried to get all of Fenrir to vote Russell last night
    She clearly tried to pretend that her vote was stolen at TC. She lied to Cass afterward and told her her vote was stolen.
The plan I want to approach people about tonight is like, here's an opportunity: we can vote Cristina out tonight and have all of that be done with. Munin will still have the numbers, and NuMunin won't be as much of a threat. We don't even need to include Penner and Cass in this, we can let them think Yve is going home or let them think they're in danger to increase the chances of an idol getting flushed if any of those three had one. It's an opportunity to do a lot of different things that could put Cat, Joaq, Steph and Russ on top of the tribe but I don't know if I would be able to sell them on this at all. I'm afraid that they'd be worried that it would give an opportunity for Penner/Cass/Melinda/Love to take control or something.


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