By Russell
1. Kvatrutafl
2. Gårdstånga Stone
3. Ascomanni
4. Varangians
5. Younger Futhark
6. Longship
7. Baugrygr

Final Answer: Gold is little comfort for the kinsman dead


  • Valentine Tribe

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By Russell
My opinion:

1. Steph
2. Loveita
3. Val
4. Joaquin
5. Cristina
6. Melinda
7. Catalie
8. Kim
9. Courtney

What I think the tribe will do:
1. Loveita
2. Joaquin
3. Cristina
4. Catalie
5. Val
6. Russell
7. Courtney
8. Stephenie
9. Melinda
10. Kim


  • Valentine Tribe

    Valentine Tribe
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By Gary Hogeboom
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Russell wrote: Tue Apr 07, 2020 11:37:15 am putting myself as 10th for 'my opinion'.
fyi, the "your opinion" needs to be submitted at the survey link that was sent to the tribe. I do't know if you did that or not but wanted to make sure.

Gary Hogeboom

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By Jeff Probst
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Alright looks like we have 6 submissions for Munin so far, 8 for Fenrir. Fenrir winning just by participation :laugh:

You have another 4 hours to get your surveys in and submit your guesses in your confessionals.

Jeff Probst

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