By Jeff Probst
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Welcome back to Tribal Council,

Remember to announce who you are whispering to if you whisper.

Votes will be due at 8:20:00c/9:20:00e sharp. They can be changed any time before then.

We'll now bring in the members of our jury: Val, Jeff, Cristina, Melinda, Tammy and Penner voted out at the last Tribal Council

Joaquin is Immune tonight, if you wish to give it away you now have 5 minutes to do so.

Jeff Probst

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By Loveita
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Jeff Probst wrote: Mon Apr 20, 2020 8:04:07 pm That should read 8:20/9:20e.

Alright let's get right to it. Joaquin... since you're immune, what's your pitch tonight on what everyone should be thinking?
if it's anything like the messages we exchanged tonight, his response should be: :shrug:


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By Joaquin
Jeff Probst wrote: Mon Apr 20, 2020 8:04:07 pm That should read 8:20/9:20e.

Alright let's get right to it. Joaquin... since you're immune, what's your pitch tonight on what everyone should be thinking?
My pitch is - it's the endgame. Everyone needs to be playing for the win here, everything's on the table since this is an all winner game where I don't think anyone would immediately say no to an offer. I can help you make those moves you need to make to get to the end in a favorable way.


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By Jeff Probst
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Every season there comes a point where we talk about the Scooby-Doo Reveal. It's a staple in Stranded since it's conception wayyy back in season 3. We're blessed this season because you all got to play with the creator of that term, Courtney!

For those of you unfamiliar, it's when players assume that they can go to the final 3 and explain their way to the win, much in the same way the villain in a scooby-doo episode would reveal themselves to really be the villain all along. I shouldn't have to preach about that to you winners.

Kim, is the Scooby-Doo Reveal a legitimate strategy to WIN in a season full of winners?
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Jeff Probst

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