By Nate Gonzalez
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You were basically a newbie in a season of some of Stranded's best and you fucking killed it.

Making it 8/22 with some of the stiffest competition and playing such a strong game is impressive.

You did Iso 4 proud and Da'vonne is already starting a fit in the Lurker Discord. :heart: :heart: :heart:
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Nate Gonzalez

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By Reem
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Loveita :sob: We were rooting for you :broken: I will forever stan!

What a way to go out of the best TCs so far. Queen. :crown:
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By Loveita
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Thank you all!!!!!!! I'm beyond happy to be here with the wonderful people I've missed. I had so much fun in the last round and even here where I thought I might be going. Can't wait to drag the rest of these people with you.
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