Immunity Challenge #15 - 16 Degrees of Separation

Overview: In this competition, there will be a board with 16 facts about previously eliminated winners. In between these facts are placeholders for winners. They are numbered 1 through 16. Facts must apply to BOTH winners between them. There should be only one correct answer with all 16. You will post these in your confessionals.

Either the person who answers the most correct winners OR if it ties, the person who answers the fastest wins.

-You must submit in your confessional thread
-You can only make one submission for this challenge, no editing or additions afterwards
-You cannot help anyone in this challenge, it is individual
Deadline: Wednesday, 4/21 at 6c/7e. Tribal Council will begin 30 minutes early at 6:30c/7:30e to avoid conflict with Survivor.

Good luck!

Jeff Probst

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I have the results of the immunity challenge.

33.06 - Cassandra - 16 Correct
37.58 - Catalie - 13 Correct
21.28 - Kim - 14 Correct
15.41 - Russell - 16 Correct
21.37 - Stephanie - 14 Correct
29.56 - Yve - 13 Correct

I have the results of the challenge.

Congratulations, Russell! You have won Individual Immunity Cannot be voted out tonight.

I'll see everyone else for Tribal Council in 30 minutes. I'll post the clue to the Hidden Immunity Idol now.
Russell liked this

Jeff Probst

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14:36 - 11 Right 0 Wrong - Russell
15:03 - 10 Right 1 Wrong - Cassandra
17:36 - 10 Right 1 Wrong - Kim
18:52 - 11 Right 0 Wrong - Yve
N/A - Stephanie

The correct answers were:

1. Penny and Mookie
2. Tammy
3. Loveita
4. Melinda
5. Joaquin
6. Catalie
7. Val
8. Penner
9. Jeff
10. Courtney
Russell liked this

Jeff Probst

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