By Val
Loveita wrote: Mon Apr 20, 2020 9:08:43 pm Joaquin's fucking idol, and Joaquin's fucking immunity win. Either of those go differently, I bet you I'm still in that thing.

How are we all feeling here?
Sad, disappointed and impressed all at the same time. I'm mostly wondering what the perception around Cass is right now and why she no longer receives votes.


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By Jeff
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Cass puts in WORK.

Though IMO it’s split in two ways: the bigger threats want to knock out Yve to open a spot for themselves in FTC, and the others are headhunting the threats who have made themselves more visible bigger threats.


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By Loveita
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Val <3 i missed you so much.

I think Cass says too much to have been cared about as a target the last couple rounds. She tells everyone a different story, and people compare and realize it immediately, but she gets away with it. There was a push to get her out over Penner at the 10 vote, but I thought I'd have Cass more on my side than Penner, whose relationships I didn't know as well.

I'm betting Yve feels really self-assured right now after that tie break, btw. I could feel the smirk through her cryptic messages before tribal.
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By Melinda
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I'm rooting for Yve now that my two faves are on the jury. I don't understand why I was nearly unanimously voted out though lol... I thought that was really only a good move for Joaquin/Russell.

Joaquin's game is the most impressive to me of everyone that is left... this game really is such a crapshoot though... Stephanie's conservative approach seems to be working out for her, Kim as well... It's not riveting game play by any means but sometimes playing it safe is the best strategy. No disrespect to any one of them. It will ultimately come down to the final tribal for me cuz there could be an argument for or against any one of them but who's done the best job of jury management and then can use what they know about the jury to persuade enough people to give them the win.
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By Loveita
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Joaquin on paper is definitely most impressive if he can make it there, but he lacks some finesse and I'm still not sure why taking my vote was a good idea. I'm gonna give pretty big kudos to Catalie if she manages to make it in there too. Russell can get a little messy, but he's always made the best choice for his game. Stephanie I think has almost guaranteed herself a spot in the FTC - I don't see anyone taking her out, but I also think it would take a lot for her to win over whoever she is next to. Kim I feel kinda similarly about, but I think she has a slightly harder road to FTC? I'm really interested to see how Cassandra navigates the next few votes if she makes it to the end. Kinda hoping Yve ends up screwing everyone else in the game over and making it to the end after all.

But I agree, Melinda - I think everyone in that FTC will have a good argument to win, and it's going to come down to how they get there, who they're next to, and what they think we want to hear. Also I missed you <3 I can't believe you told Cat about the idol, but at least she stayed quiet about that lmao.


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By Melinda
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Loveita wrote: Tue Apr 21, 2020 1:04:17 pm Joaquin on paper is definitely most impressive if he can make it there, but he lacks some finesse and I'm still not sure why taking my vote was a good idea. I'm gonna give pretty big kudos to Catalie if she manages to make it in there too. Russell can get a little messy, but he's always made the best choice for his game. Stephanie I think has almost guaranteed herself a spot in the FTC - I don't see anyone taking her out, but I also think it would take a lot for her to win over whoever she is next to. Kim I feel kinda similarly about, but I think she has a slightly harder road to FTC? I'm really interested to see how Cassandra navigates the next few votes if she makes it to the end. Kinda hoping Yve ends up screwing everyone else in the game over and making it to the end after all.

But I agree, Melinda - I think everyone in that FTC will have a good argument to win, and it's going to come down to how they get there, who they're next to, and what they think we want to hear. Also I missed you <3 I can't believe you told Cat about the idol, but at least she stayed quiet about that lmao.
Ugh I missed you too... Yeah I sort of regretted it afterwards... I put too many eggs in the Catalie basket and it would have been far smarter for me to just go along with Catalie in allowing Cristina to die without trying to throw some votes at Russell... My ideal final three was with Catalie and Yve and I was trying to mastermind that happening but I didn't have Catalie fully on the same page as me about that... so I was sorta caught in the middle of wanting things to go MY WAY versus Catalie wanting things to go another... In my head it would have been ideal for the boot order to look something like... Joaquin-Cass-Tammy-Russell-Kim-Penner-Steph-Loveita or any combo of Loveita/Penner/Steph going 6-4 lol... But yeah when Catalie blew my cover with Penner I was like... yeah Catalie and I are each wanting different things here so this is not gonna work and I don't want to work so hard in my web of lies and deception anymore!


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By Val
Loveita wrote: Tue Apr 21, 2020 1:04:17 pm Stephanie I think has almost guaranteed herself a spot in the FTC - I don't see anyone taking her out, but I also think it would take a lot for her to win over whoever she is next to. Kim I feel kinda similarly about, but I think she has a slightly harder road to FTC? I'm really interested to see how Cassandra navigates the next few votes if she makes it to the end. Kinda hoping Yve ends up screwing everyone else in the game over and making it to the end after all.
Steph, Kim, and Yve are going to have to figure out how to sit together. I won't count them out if they don't (mostly Steph, cuz I just really like her), but that is the optimal path for a victory for each of them.


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By Loveita
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Val wrote: Tue Apr 21, 2020 2:16:40 pm
Loveita wrote: Tue Apr 21, 2020 1:04:17 pm Stephanie I think has almost guaranteed herself a spot in the FTC - I don't see anyone taking her out, but I also think it would take a lot for her to win over whoever she is next to. Kim I feel kinda similarly about, but I think she has a slightly harder road to FTC? I'm really interested to see how Cassandra navigates the next few votes if she makes it to the end. Kinda hoping Yve ends up screwing everyone else in the game over and making it to the end after all.
Steph, Kim, and Yve are going to have to figure out how to sit together. I won't count them out if they don't (mostly Steph, cuz I just really like her), but that is the optimal path for a victory for each of them.
Yeah if that's the final 3, I'll be rooting hard for Steph to convince me to vote for her. I'll be rooting hard for Steph regardless - she was the only person I knew I wanted in MY f3, but it'll be much harder for her against anyone else.


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By Melinda
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Steph and I went to the finals one game I beat her 5-4... We had a good working relationship here because of it and I think only Catalie was aware of it unless she or Steph shared that info with everyone. And Yve is the only ORG person I have ever met in the flesh but Catalie also knew Yve and I knew each other from back in the day.

Connections from outside of this game sorta have an impact here but I want to try to be as unbiased as possible... But if Yve is going to use some of that $200 to buy me a flight to Chicago to have a re-do of summer of 2013 it could sway my vote in that direction...


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By Jeff Probst
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Melinda wrote: Tue Apr 21, 2020 4:57:41 pm Steph and I went to the finals one game I beat her 5-4... We had a good working relationship here because of it and I think only Catalie was aware of it unless she or Steph shared that info with everyone. And Yve is the only ORG person I have ever met in the flesh but Catalie also knew Yve and I knew each other from back in the day.

Connections from outside of this game sorta have an impact here but I want to try to be as unbiased as possible... But if Yve is going to use some of that $200 to buy me a flight to Chicago to have a re-do of summer of 2013 it could sway my vote in that direction...
Probly why you are here and all them aren't. :angel:
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Jeff Probst

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By Val
Jeff Probst wrote: Tue Apr 21, 2020 6:04:27 pm
Melinda wrote: Tue Apr 21, 2020 4:57:41 pm Steph and I went to the finals one game I beat her 5-4... We had a good working relationship here because of it and I think only Catalie was aware of it unless she or Steph shared that info with everyone. And Yve is the only ORG person I have ever met in the flesh but Catalie also knew Yve and I knew each other from back in the day.

Connections from outside of this game sorta have an impact here but I want to try to be as unbiased as possible... But if Yve is going to use some of that $200 to buy me a flight to Chicago to have a re-do of summer of 2013 it could sway my vote in that direction...
Probly why you are here and all them aren't. :angel:
Possibly also why I'm here! :speakno:


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By Joaquin
Hi all! I'm happy to answer any questions but I'm sure y'all know a lot

Obviously I was trying to do the All Threats thing and once that backfired i knew I was fucked playing rather OTT. Loveita, Penner...still have no idea why you didn't bite on that. Everyone has been gunning for you for a while

I mean obviously I have tons of connections ;) but the Russ/Tammy/Yve alliance is a great one, we all live walking distance from each other


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By Melinda
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Joaquin wrote: Tue Apr 21, 2020 8:48:29 pm Hi all! I'm happy to answer any questions but I'm sure y'all know a lot

Obviously I was trying to do the All Threats thing and once that backfired i knew I was fucked playing rather OTT. Loveita, Penner...still have no idea why you didn't bite on that. Everyone has been gunning for you for a while

I mean obviously I have tons of connections ;) but the Russ/Tammy/Yve alliance is a great one, we all live walking distance from each other
I am curious who all leaked to you that I was targeting you at final 11 lol... And what all Catalie told you that I told her in confidence. And what you thought was going to happen had I not asked everyone to vote me out... And why the fuck more people didn't think about throwing out stray votes?


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By Joaquin
Melinda wrote: Tue Apr 21, 2020 9:20:47 pm
Joaquin wrote: Tue Apr 21, 2020 8:48:29 pm Hi all! I'm happy to answer any questions but I'm sure y'all know a lot

Obviously I was trying to do the All Threats thing and once that backfired i knew I was fucked playing rather OTT. Loveita, Penner...still have no idea why you didn't bite on that. Everyone has been gunning for you for a while

I mean obviously I have tons of connections ;) but the Russ/Tammy/Yve alliance is a great one, we all live walking distance from each other
I am curious who all leaked to you that I was targeting you at final 11 lol... And what all Catalie told you that I told her in confidence. And what you thought was going to happen had I not asked everyone to vote me out... And why the fuck more people didn't think about throwing out stray votes?
Oh man. It was of couple of people I think everybody was feeding everyone information...i was shocked people were playing like anything could be a secret. I assumed the vote steal would get out eventually but tried to offer it as a "hey, i'm not fucking around lets work together" deal

Catalie and I were extremely close this game, she told me like...95% of what she knew at the time, aside from stuff that would destroy relationships like loveita's idol. She was just extremely upfront about connections, what she thought, and the bitchy side just got along super well with me.

I still think you would have gone home at your boot just because the vote steal made it too hard for you to go after me. Me/Russ/Tammy/Yve/Cat + vote steal was good enough


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By Jeff
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Joaquin wrote: Tue Apr 21, 2020 8:48:29 pm Hi all! I'm happy to answer any questions but I'm sure y'all know a lot
I have two questions I'm wondering about from a long, long time ago that is barely relevant anymore:

1) Was I fucked in the vote after Cochran went home, had we lost?

2) Why was I seemingly the consensus target in both of the first two merge rounds?

It felt so weird to me that you lot had narrowed in on me specifically for both rounds when I wasn't actively gunning for anyone, I was just planning to lay low and latch onto plans for a few rounds until things exploded.


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By Joaquin
Jeff wrote: Tue Apr 21, 2020 10:56:21 pm
Joaquin wrote: Tue Apr 21, 2020 8:48:29 pm Hi all! I'm happy to answer any questions but I'm sure y'all know a lot
I have two questions I'm wondering about from a long, long time ago that is barely relevant anymore:

1) Was I fucked in the vote after Cochran went home, had we lost?

2) Why was I seemingly the consensus target in both of the first two merge rounds?

It felt so weird to me that you lot had narrowed in on me specifically for both rounds when I wasn't actively gunning for anyone, I was just planning to lay low and latch onto plans for a few rounds until things exploded.
1) yeah probably. honestly, you were way better at placating us and we knew you'd jump ship asap whereas yve had a way better chance of being an ally long-term

2) i don't think russ or i were calling for that specifically, but the early/mid merge was dominated strategically it seemed by everyone trying to include themselves in multiple endgame plans. since og munin was gonna stick together for the first vote or two, numunin felt much more strongly about keeping penner/cass/kim in the game for their plans and russ and i just didn't really put up a huge fight. you were just an easy vote at the time, again i didnt really think you'd stick with me


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