By Reem
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Ugh, my worse case scenario has happened. Damn though, you are definitely a fighter. Welcome to Ponderosa, Kim! Hate it happened this close to the finish line. :broken:


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By Kim
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and lol, just judging what I've been reading so far, yeah, I knew the jury wouldn't be that receptive to my game. I still think Russell was legitimately the bigger jury threat than me, but I could be wrong on that.

I'm really torn on who I want to vote for, Russell did a great job at schmoozing for my jury vote this afternoon when it soon became apparent that it was one of us who was leaving, and honestly, if he actually shows a little grace and humility during his FTC I'll definitely consider it. But the way he just speaks in general is just so abrasive and off-putting.

I'm disappointed how I handled things re: Stephanie. At Final 7 or so, we kind of realized at that point, we were probably heading for a Russ/Yve/me/her F4. I mean, I had just assumed that Russell was gonna win the Final immunity challenge and the vote would be between us two anyways, so I made her a "deal" that we'd both vote each other off at Final 4 but that we'd still vote for each other to win in the end. So I guess I can't really blame her for voting for me.

Yve is fine. I like her and I hope that she goes no holds barred during the FTC. I warned Stephanie that she would be running at risk having just one Fenrir there whereas if she took both of us, me and Yve would probably just split jury votes.


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