By Kim
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Read my reaction to your vote off in my confessional once the game is over. It'll be a treat.

I appreciate Russell owning up to and apologizing at least. But in his opening statement, didn't he also saw he proud he was how empathetic and respectful he was to others? lol.
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By Melinda
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Yeah I don't think any of them have had perfect responses or anything, but I can't fault any of them for doing the things they did to make the end. I was leaning towards Russell after last night because he approaches FTC similar to how I do, and though I think he maybe said a few things that weren't super bright and might have offended some people on the jury, he didn't offend me... I appreciate Russell's humble approach and of all three of them he actually did make me feel in the game that he was open to working with me and I actually think if I stuck around longer him and I may have teamed up. So those are all pros for Russell. Yve has done a hell of a job with the cards she was dealt... I think her being a target at the merge was not necessarily much of anything she could have done much about. Call it not being proactive but she did survive, whether you call it luck or whatever, we all had to rely on luck in some form to make it where we did so I don't fault her for that. She's articulating her game well here. And now that Steph's responses are coming in, I know she's a sharp player and I do appreciate how hard she worked, she did really give this her all despite some failures in the social department. Which I don't think she has any awareness of...

Like Penner/Joaq/Cass/Loveita/Cat I had some super amazing and fun and intimate conversations with all of you... I had a sense of your personalities, and I loved your personalities. But those great personalities got you all on the jury and these three capitalized on knowing that you're all so awesome and prevented you from getting to the end. So I can't really be bitter about it, like I said it's a goat strategy. I don't mean it in a patronizing way, it's a low risk strategy where you put all your marbles into killing the FTC. I don't think any of them are necessarily killing the FTC, but they're giving it the best shot they know how to give it and at least for me, I'm feeling good about any of them winning at this point. And I am majorly undecided so it may come down to the tiebreaker if I can't decide...

I'm also sort of trying to gauge who y'all are going to vote for because part of me wonders if voting for my first choice could fuck over my second choice... Even though I don't have a first second or third choice just yet, I keep going back and forth. So yeah it is going to come down to the wire I'm thinking... Yve's response to my question was lovely and got me to understand her perspective of this game more and I loved it. And I am looking forward to hearing the other two's responses. Yeah I love them all and I actually am completely sober at the moment ha


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By Melinda
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DAMN Catalie rawrrrrrr!

I'll gain more respect for Steph if she tells you to fuck off lol...Like if a juror told me they were voting for someone and trying to trash my game I'd come at them hard and own their ass on why they're delusional and awful. So Steph better fight back and not be weak sauce.

I'm not saying you're awful or delusional, your perspective on things is totally valid. But if I'm in Steph's shoes you're delusional and awful and to be destroyed at all costs so as not to influence the other jurors to go along with your Russell is the lesser of the three evils campaign.


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By Melinda
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Steph is way too nice to do that I think, but we'll see. If a juror tried to drag you you gotta fight back and hard... in a diplomatic-ish but authentic and real way. We will see if she's up to that.


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By Jeff
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Melinda wrote: Sun Apr 26, 2020 8:07:59 am I'm actually now at a point where I want them all to win
I’m with you on this and I was feeling dread at the idea of having to vote any of them going into this.

I feel they all smashed my questions out of the park to me (Russell’s last answer was not great but the rest was good) so I feel better about them in general. I just don’t know who yet. I find myself swaying between all three.


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By Loveita
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Reading Cat's jury ...speeches, I won't call them questions, was some of the most entertaining shit and I realllly hope Steph does fight back on it, cuz I want to see some fire from her.

Watching Yve's video to Melinda gave me a new appreciation for her as a person - she was always kind of an enigma to me in the game, and now that I can read her responses with that person in mind, I feel like I know her a lot better. I respect the game she played with how cards were dealt at the merge and having to play from the bottom, but at the same time, I think Russell has done a good job of taking the credit of Yve being in this F3. My vote is least likely to go to her, but mad props for her tenacity in trying every angle she could.

Stephanie played a solid, but boring game, where she set herself up well and was able to rely on other people to overplay or make mistakes and keep attention off her. Russell was messy and made mistakes, but recovered from those mistakes in such a way to end up with a game that was overall more engaging.

Generally, I lean more towards awarding the person who didn't mess up in the first place, but it's difficult in this scenario where she also didn't have too much agency over the decisions throughout the game. Russell took his mistakes and turned them into power...though being immune a few votes in a row definitely helps with that.

I'll be surprised if it's not a close vote. Though I don't think I'll have to force my cat to do a tiebreaker for me :p
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By Melinda
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Loveita wrote: Sun Apr 26, 2020 2:27:10 pm Reading Cat's jury ...speeches, I won't call them questions, was some of the most entertaining shit and I realllly hope Steph does fight back on it, cuz I want to see some fire from her.

Watching Yve's video to Melinda gave me a new appreciation for her as a person - she was always kind of an enigma to me in the game, and now that I can read her responses with that person in mind, I feel like I know her a lot better. I respect the game she played with how cards were dealt at the merge and having to play from the bottom, but at the same time, I think Russell has done a good job of taking the credit of Yve being in this F3. My vote is least likely to go to her, but mad props for her tenacity in trying every angle she could.

Stephanie played a solid, but boring game, where she set herself up well and was able to rely on other people to overplay or make mistakes and keep attention off her. Russell was messy and made mistakes, but recovered from those mistakes in such a way to end up with a game that was overall more engaging.

Generally, I lean more towards awarding the person who didn't mess up in the first place, but it's difficult in this scenario where she also didn't have too much agency over the decisions throughout the game. Russell took his mistakes and turned them into power...though being immune a few votes in a row definitely helps with that.

I'll be surprised if it's not a close vote. Though I don't think I'll have to force my cat to do a tiebreaker for me :p
Brilliant as always. Ugh I am really undecided at this point... Steph's failure to answer my question for this long has me thinking that she's avoiding answering the question because being vulnerable in any way is difficult for her. It's the biggest weakness in her game from my perspective because while she is a great player, smart strategist, it all comes through as very game-botty to me and there is a lack of personal connection... She has yet to answer it so I could be proven wrong and I hope to be.

Russell I fell in love with because we have a similar background, conservative family, very similar struggles and I loved how he answered about including other people... I wish him and I had developed more of a relationship in the game... He rambled a bit but I give him major props for just opening up about himself... Like if Russell wins this I will really be happy for him and I don't necessarily care that he made some major blunders in the game because all of the final 3 have flaws and I don't know that I can fairly say that Stephanie is a superior strategist to Russell when she was likely going home the round I asked to be voted out and seems to have zero awareness of that. I think she stood a much better chance against Kim, but we'll never know I suppose and I don't fault her for doing it cuz she thought it was the best move... I just think overall Russell did a better job in the game of relating to me on a light hearted level.

Truthfully I loved Yve's answer to my question the best, and I have liked a lot of her answers and her conciseness. But I still am wavering and if Steph can like pull out some amazing responses to Catalie/me/others I am not counting her out.


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By Jeff
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Penner wrote: Sun Apr 26, 2020 3:17:51 pm I'm just doing CTRL+F for my own name in all of the answers and voting for whomever mentions me the most.
This was my plan until I came to the crushing realization that there was 0 results. :sob:


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By Loveita
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Penner wrote: Sun Apr 26, 2020 4:01:14 pm As the pioneer of the video confessional I've made one for y'all on the jury in my FTC thread
Been waiting to hear that Irish accent :hug: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:


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