-- 5th Place - 10th Juror - Voted Out 4-1 --
By Gary Hogeboom
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Hi. 7 people left, that's one for every day of the week!

1. So that tribal council was a snooze. How did you manage to stay awake? I guess also run us through how that whole thing went down if you caught some of it it through your eyelids.

2. There's tons of talk about whether to remove threat from the path or clear up seats by removing those who are gonna get dragged to the end. Weigh out those options for us?

3. Is there anyone currently in the game that you think will vote for you if they're on jury? What are your plans to get them there gently so you can get dat vote?

4. The jury is quiet at tribal. Who do you suspect they REALLY are pulling for right now? Do you think they are all waiting for FTC to form opinions or do you believe they will have the same perceptions of the remaining players' games as you do?

Gary Hogeboom

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By Cassandra
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Gary Hogeboom wrote: Mon Apr 20, 2020 9:06:45 pm Hi. 7 people left, that's one for every day of the week!
That's what I've been trying to tell everyone.

Gary Hogeboom wrote: Mon Apr 20, 2020 9:06:45 pm 1. So that tribal council was a snooze. How did you manage to stay awake? I guess also run us through how that whole thing went down if you caught some of it it through your eyelids.
Don’t worry, I managed to stay awake throughout. Unfortunately I can’t say the same for Love and Yve. Yet another round of no one listening to me and things backfiring. Honestly my best bet at the end right now is to “I told you so” every juror. So early on I got the pitch to vote Love from Joaquin. I considered it, and honestly it wasn’t a bad pitch, but ultimately left it hanging because Love usurping Joaq in the threat ladder made no difference to me if I had to get both of them out at some point and we had the votes against Joaq. When Joaq won immunity, I threw out Cat’s name in as understated a way as I could manage and got an clear-cut “yes” from Kim and a wishy washy “maybe” from Love. Love was waiting to hear what Steph was thinking, because she for some reason assumed Yve would never vote Cat. Yve meanwhile told me she was 100% down to vote Cat. We literally had four for Cat the entire time and this bitch stuck her fingers in her ears when I told her. Clearly Steph was just a cover for her because she actually wanted to vote Yve. I don’t know what good explaining all this in depth in--maybe you know all of it--but at some point I pitched the idea of a 4-2-2 to Kim: Joaq/Russ voting Love, Cat/Steph voting Yve, and Kim/Love/Yve/I voting Cat. Sounds GREAT, huh? Unfortunately Yve, apparently eager to prove herself non-manipulable, got it in her head that I, not Cat or Steph, was pushing for her to go home, and proceeded to tell Love she HAD to start gunning for me or she’d be next. So I spent the last twenty minutes or so trying to screw this girl’s head back on while she insisted on turning her head the opposite direction. Last thing I said, which I’m sure will haunt Love and Yve forever, is that we four should just vote Cat and hope for a stray vote. We literally needed ONE stray vote. Thanks to these idiots we got three, and in the revote I was more than happy to take the shovel from Love and push all the dirt onto the grave she just dug herself and hopped into.

Gary Hogeboom wrote: Mon Apr 20, 2020 9:06:45 pm 2. There's tons of talk about whether to remove threat from the path or clear up seats by removing those who are gonna get dragged to the end. Weigh out those options for us?
It’s fucking baffling to me what these people are thinking. Steph seriously got mad at me for voting Love out because she was a guaranteed vote for Joaq this round? You know who’s a guaranteed vote against Joaq? Your stupid fucking gf Barfzilla. If no one respected your game before they sure as shit now, and your ONLY chance of winning is in a F3 with Yve and Russell. And even then you insist on taking out the bigger goat of the two. EVEN this round. What the fuck. Steph has once again refused to vote for Cat here if Joaq wins immunity (and he doesn’t even need immunity if he has the idol). I got her to promise that she wouldn’t go after me and Kim this round no matter what, and I promised the same to her but I don’t give a shit if I keep it, though I don’t see why I’d ever push for her over Cat. Anyway, Joaq and Cat need to leave, and then I figure I can pit Steph and Kim against each other somehow or another. I don’t even care about the details right now because I expect Joaq and Cat leaving to be more complicated than one leaving at F7 and one leaving at F6. I don’t see a way to vote Kim or Steph before either of them and I need (want) Yve and Russ at the end with me.

Gary Hogeboom wrote: Mon Apr 20, 2020 9:06:45 pm 3. Is there anyone currently in the game that you think will vote for you if they're on jury? What are your plans to get them there gently so you can get dat vote?
I think Kim and Yve would both vote for me, but only so long as I don’t turn on them now before I actually need to. And I think Yve’s function as a goat outweighs the one jury vote I’d get. Plus, she has some weird crush on Joaquin because of his avatar or some shit. I think Joaq would vote for me over Steph and Yve, and maybe Kim. I don’t know, maybe I’m playing fucking sloppily at this point but I honestly think people have been shooting themselves in the foot ever since Melinda left.

Gary Hogeboom wrote: Mon Apr 20, 2020 9:06:45 pm 4. The jury is quiet at tribal. Who do you suspect they REALLY are pulling for right now? Do you think they are all waiting for FTC to form opinions or do you believe they will have the same perceptions of the remaining players' games as you do?
Val - Steph or Cat
Jeff - Me
Cristina - Kim?
Melinda - Me or Cat?
Penner - Me
Tammy - Kim
Loveita - Steph

Realistically, I could spin Val, Cristina, Melinda, Love, and Cat all as rooting for Steph after Cat leaves, so it should be an easy vote against her after. Then I’ll tell Yve and Russ that Cristina and Tammy are guaranteed Kim, and that Val, Love, and Cat all preferred her to me. Maybe true, maybe not, but I think they’ll buy it.


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