By Gary Hogeboom
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Hi. 7 people left, that's one for every day of the week!

1. So that tribal council was a snooze. How did you manage to stay awake? I guess also run us through how that whole thing went down if you caught some of it it through your eyelids.

2. There's tons of talk about whether to remove threat from the path or clear up seats by removing those who are gonna get dragged to the end. Weigh out those options for us?

3. Is there anyone currently in the game that you think will vote for you if they're on jury? What are your plans to get them there gently so you can get dat vote?

4. The jury is quiet at tribal. Who do you suspect they REALLY are pulling for right now? Do you think they are all waiting for FTC to form opinions or do you believe they will have the same perceptions of the remaining players' games as you do?

Gary Hogeboom

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By Russell
1. So that tribal council was a snooze. How did you manage to stay awake? I guess also run us through how that whole thing went down if you caught some of it it through your eyelids.

Well I got my hands dirty a little bit because I wanted it to be clear that this was MY move and mine only, that I am still chaotic and should be taken to the end, and I loved having the opportunity to make Cat unravel (luv u Cat but I need u to be a mess).

2. There's tons of talk about whether to remove threat from the path or clear up seats by removing those who are gonna get dragged to the end. Weigh out those options for us?
I'm one of those people who people see as a seat filler, so it's important for me to protect seat fillers like Steph and Yve here.

3. Is there anyone currently in the game that you think will vote for you if they're on jury? What are your plans to get them there gently so you can get dat vote?
I think that a lot of the people outside of my core alliance will give me the vote if I'm there with Steph. I think a lot of people in my core alliance will give me their vote if I'm there with Kim.

4. The jury is quiet at tribal. Who do you suspect they REALLY are pulling for right now? Do you think they are all waiting for FTC to form opinions or do you believe they will have the same perceptions of the remaining players' games as you do?

I honestly don't know. Truly, I don't have enough options to weigh it. I have to see Cass, Cat, and Joaq out for me to have a shot. Everything after I can cross that bridge when I come to it.


  • Valentine Tribe

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By Russell
I feel like my calling card in this community is always giving you guys great confessionals so I'm sorry I've been lax this season, especially considering I've made it further than you likely expected.

Right now I'm in a good spot but I need to stay humble because arrogance leads to single-track thinking and that's a one-way ticket to Juryville. I have to keep looking at all options.

At the moment, the surface-level perception is that Kim/Cass/Steph will want to go for Joaq and that Joaq/Cat will want to go for Kim/Cass, putting me in a power position again. However, this is a cast of all winners, so I'm not going to be putting it above anyone to pull a fast one on me. These people have their own agencies and, if I were Kim, I might be targeting me at the moment.

Winners always have to bank on other people making the wrong decisions that directly benefit themselves. Whoever wins this game will be that person.
The one who everyone else enabled. What I'm banking on is that people do that for me, even if they're aware of themselves doing it.

Joaq is such a massive threat and has the ability to idol/immunity his way to the end and people are variably worried about that. Some don't think I'm willing to cut him, and I am constantly telling Joaq I won't, but I will do it. He can't make it to the end.

My ideal round for doing that, though, would not be here. If I vote out Joaq that yields me powerless and I need to sustain myself in a good position for the rest of the game. I think Joaq winning individual immunity is terrible for me tho, they could easily come after me. Some Loveita took control, then Russell took control and voted her out, then someone took control and voted him out.

Joaq being vulnerable here going into TC is essential for my survival. The second he survives this round, though, it's going to have to be all bets off. I think actually targeting Kim could be the best bet because Joaq and Cat would be pleased about me eliminating a potential goat, no one would have the option to take her over me, and Cass is always going to be a threat.

That does mean that I have to take out Cass, Cat, and Joaq in a row which isn't the smartest play. Maybe I should vote for Cass so that I have that wiggle room. These types of decisions are the worst because it comes down to calculated risk.


  • Valentine Tribe

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