:fire: Final 6! That's one of you for each of Joaquin's abs! :fire:

1-Tell me about the jury. Who do you think will vote for you? Which players remaining in the game would vote for you if they were sent to the jury bench? How does this factor into your endgame plans?

2-Do you see a path to make those final tribal chairs? what is it?

3-What are you looking for in a winner this season? Other than yourself, who is playing that kind of game?

Danni Boatwright

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Hi. How am I in the final six right now?

I definitely need to start thinking about articulating my entire game. I'm not so bold as to think I'm definitely getting to the end. But I think I'm in several people's legitimate and secret final threes at this point.

My obvious story is the whole outlasting thing I've been doing. I've pretty much just been hearing it was my name, and I'd jump to the other side and make sure their plan worked better with my number. If I didn't think your best move was voting for me, that's when I voted with you. But it's been a very round-to-round strategy.

They let me into the endgame and I'm so happy to be here, regardless of what happens. What a goddamn treat.


  • Valentine Tribe

    Valentine Tribe
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Also, just so I can say it out loud, I am very aware the people have been saying they've "heard my name" even if they haven't. They knew I'd react to it. But I knew that they knew, so I kept doing it. That's probably why I wasn't taking Steph/Cat coming after me seriously until Russell said that Stephanie's vote was locked in on me.

I wonder if they knew that I knew, that they knew? Etc.

Also, someone probably has that idol? If they don't, I love the idea that everyone is basically giving up because they think someone found it. No one finding it is bad TV, but it'd be good for my game. I'd be wary of the person who got the rumor to persist, though.

I have to assume everyone left has survivor super powers. It's the only way to wade through this mess.


  • Valentine Tribe

    Valentine Tribe
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1-Tell me about the jury. Who do you think will vote for you? Which players remaining in the game would vote for you if they were sent to the jury bench? How does this factor into your endgame plans?

I have no idea how this jury is operating. Typically, a jury has a couple of open favorites to win and there is no way you can predict it. I think I may be able to count on Jeff's vote? But that all depends on how the rest of this thing plays out. Brad in Game Changers was playing a great game, but one bad performance in front of the jury cost him everything.

2-Do you see a path to make those final tribal chairs? what is it?

I really just need to have people approach ME with plans to take me there. I can't be the one in the driver's seat at first. Once other people bring me into their plans, that's when I can pick and choose and make moves for which direction I want to go in.

3-What are you looking for in a winner this season? Other than yourself, who is playing that kind of game?

I'm looking for the best story. Who deserves to represent this season as its winner?


  • Valentine Tribe

    Valentine Tribe
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Okay, it's very possible that Cass and Kim were working together on this vote. Just as easily as everyone was targeting Cass, I think people could've been targeting me.

SEVERAL people told me why I'd get votes in the end this round. I know that wasn't a coincidence. I don't see myself as a threat to anyone, but I also won't know what my blind spots were until the postgame.

I won't be surprised if I get idol'd out.


  • Valentine Tribe

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I love how suddenly all of the people voted out are speaking for the jury. It's not unlike someone dying and seeing the light, speaking for the afterlife. It's like, you don't have any idea what's happening, and neither do I.

I don't think I have an easy road ahead of me. But I also think people underestimate what I'm willing to do for what I perceive to be my best chance in a final three.


  • Valentine Tribe

    Valentine Tribe
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Also, I may be complaining about my questions in my IMs, but I actually love them. Yes, please keep talking about how unlikeable I am. Openly feed me this narrative in front of everyone.


  • Valentine Tribe

    Valentine Tribe
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