-- 13th Place - 2nd Juror - Voted Out 8-5 --
Welcome to the merge! the 14 of you are all that remains of our cast of winners, and one of you will be walking away from the Valentine tribe $200 richer.

1-Did you expect to make it this far?
2-Who are you excited to meet back up with? Anyone you're ready to drop?
3-How does the merge change your game plan? Are you prepared to start playing harder?

Danni Boatwright

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What's up Jeffrey!!! Rude Rich here, long time no talk, hope life everything's going well for ya!

I have a few questions:

1. Has anyone voluntarily given you the answer to a hidden immunity idol clue yet?

2. Congrats on the merge! Last time this is when you really thrived - what's your plan to fuck shit up again?

3. In rank order, who do you feel closest and least close to? What would have to happen for this to change?

4. How do you think you are perceived on the tribe? Are you a big threat? Are you under the radar? Somewhere in between? Are you happy with how you're perceived?

5. This a relative 'early merge'. How does that effect your strategy, if at all?
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RUDE RICHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I wish you were here, these people SUCK. First of all none of them have given me an idol clue, and second of all, none of them are helping me MAKE MOVES.
1. Has anyone voluntarily given you the answer to a hidden immunity idol clue yet?
Hopefully that is why you are here. There are people here who LIVE for these idols so I don't think I stand a chance so I haven't really bothered looking.
2. Congrats on the merge! Last time this is when you really thrived - what's your plan to fuck shit up again?
You'll have to wait and see. I don't know what I'm going to do yet but I am feeling very much like I am in a very bad position and I think the only way for me to survive much longer is to hope they want to get rid of bigger targets, and - shockingly - I don't think people think I am a big target. I mean, who am I but little ol' Jeff.
3. In rank order, who do you feel closest and least close to? What would have to happen for this to change?
I'll answer this better at a later time but here is a

JEFF )))) Penner )) Cassandra )))) Yve )) Kim )))))))))))))) Tammy ) Joaquin ) everyone else.
4. How do you think you are perceived on the tribe? Are you a big threat? Are you under the radar? Somewhere in between? Are you happy with how you're perceived?
I don't think I am on anyone's radar for gameplay reasons which is insulting. I think I am -probably- under the radar but I think that I am more at risk here because of that, because I could be an easy boot at merge where people are like "who cares, let's just get rid of him and not cause any waves yet"
5. This a relative 'early merge'. How does that effect your strategy, if at all?
I mean I think that the smart move for me is to lay low for right now and hope they take out bigger threats but I do kind of want to rally up some troops and make some moves, but I feel a complete inability to do so. I feel I have no sway or agency with anyone and that is frustrating to me because that is like my entire game, pushing toward moves. So I feel a bit fucked right now.

I will answer the questions from Danni later on as well.


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1-Did you expect to make it this far?
No, I genuinely expected to get sent home in the tribe swap, and I really thought my fears were becoming reality in that last round.

2-Who are you excited to meet back up with? Anyone you're ready to drop?
I'm really glad to be back with Penner and Cass. I was hyped to be back with Kim but she seems to be stonewalling me a little, which I think is a result of Tammy kinda getting in her ear about how things went on the J-tribe that can't even remember what its name was.

3-How does the merge change your game plan? Are you prepared to start playing harder?
I think that I am going to keep on keeping on for right now and following the flow. My goal is, as always, to make people like me. So far Loveita and Steph seem to, on first blush. I have work to do with Melinda and Val. Catalie and Cristina I'll need to have a chat with to begin with.

I'm working with Penner/Cass, "working with" Tammy/Kim/Joaquin, Yve wants to continue voting with me, I am liking Loveita and Steph so far. I just need to make people like me. That's my game right now.

I felt like I was suffocating in the last tribe and this tribe feels like a breath of fresh air. Throughout my whole first season, I never felt as close to going home as I did the past two rounds. But I made the merge and still have not received a vote against me in my ENTIRE ORG CAREER. That must mean, as the kids say, that I am super cool. :cool:


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Tune in next time for the latest news and info! Don't forget to click the little bell icon next to the subscribe button so you don't miss important confessionals like this one!
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Jeff wrote: Sat Apr 11, 2020 12:45:52 pm OFFICIAL STOCK WATCH 2020 - MERGE EDITION!





Tune in next time for the latest news and info! Don't forget to click the little bell icon next to the subscribe button so you don't miss important confessionals like this one!

Gary Hogeboom

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I may have been too quick to toss Kim.

Kim is telling me Cristina told her that Cat/Melinda/Loveita/Joaquin/Stephanie are the core-5 on purple.

On one hand, I would absolutely love if Cristina snowballed everyone with a fake majority, lmao. I could only dream of being so duplicitous.

Thinking through this logically, there's 5 on the purple-5, and 3 purple stragglers. There's me/Cass/Penner, there's Tammy/Kim and there's Yve. I do wonder if the former orange will actually attempt to stay together or if we are just being fake to each other with no intention to stay close.

The smartest thing for Cristina to do, if it is true that she is at maximum #6 on the purple tribe, is to form a new power-core with 2 or 3 purple, and 2 or 3 orange, and using that power core to damage the purple core. Because if they are as tight as they seem, and they seem tight, they need to be dealt with sooner rather than later. And everyone knows that.

And on the other side, the orange people are NOT tight, there are cracks here. There is room for a Cristina. I don't know if there is room for a Russell because I find it extremely concerning that he was not more proactive to save himself/distance himself from Joaquin being in a 4-2 minority position moving forward. They can't just be content to be #s 6 or 7 on a power alliance.

Anyway, Kim seems to have an in with Cristina so I pitched the secret power core idea to her and hopefully she tries to make some headway with Cristina about it. I dream of day where purple people and orange people can walk the earth together, hand in hand (while wearing gloves and being mindful to maintain social distancing!), destroying the status quo, all wearing spandex uniforms with a tye-dye mix of orange and purple and cool nicknames.


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Stephanie is hilariously bad at impressions.

I want this archived:

Stephanie's impression of:

Kim Spradlin: "I like this group of people and think i can work well and move forward with them" without anything specific or any ACTUAL opinions

Mookie: "I'm winning this AGAIN to prove Sophie wrong!" Some ppl found him kinda dull honestly so he'd probably not be the most engaging?

She didn't even give me a Courtney impression but that's okay. I don't want to be too pushy and another. It was a very fun convo though.


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Cass said it'll be me or Yve tonight so I need to go into overdrive on trying to make use of what little pull I have with those purple people.

I think the most important thing is to find something that benefits these people, even when it also benefits me. I can't just be like "KEEP ME!", I need to make it beneficial for them. I have to make it clear I understand their position of majority and my position of minority and work in their best interest.

I like Stephanie so I offered her a deal where we just work to keep the target off of each other for a few rounds until the dust settles, and then re-assess what we have and see if we can start working together. I think this would work for her because she is apparently a very big challenge threat and I think people will gun for her sooner than she thinks. She's also likable and engaging is probably threatening. She has to know she needs more options than just the people who will see her as a threat very soon. Hopefully she has some sway.

I made my pitch to Joaquin last round about wanting to work with him. I again reaffirmed that willingness and again told him I'm not expecting him to divulge any info to me because he's from the purple tribe and I'm on the orange tribe, but if I'm still here, I'm down to work with him and help him with the buddging munin tension he keeps teasing. I want him to think he has options post-munin strong and that I am one of them.

It would be naive of these purple people to not assume the other purple people are grooming orange people to peel in (haha get it, orange peel), orange people to reel in so they should start doing that already. Joaq probably already thinks (knows) he has Tammy so he may not need me but he may want me more than Yve or say Cass or Penner and that may be enough to get him to shift the target off of me and onto someone else.

I don't know if 2 is enough. I don't know if Joaquin even cares to try to keep me. I don't know if Steph is willing to put her neck on the line for me. But maybe a little bit is all I needed for them to view Cass/Penner as a larger threat, or want to take out Yve over me


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Jeff wrote: Sat Apr 11, 2020 10:04:00 pm Reading what the challenge is, I do wonder what y'all would've chosen to use from my trainwreck confessionals. Like, please actually tell me because I'm dying to know.
It would've been this
Jeff wrote: Fri Apr 10, 2020 3:05:08 pm I think that I need to be a good little boy
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Kimmi Kappenberg

I'm sitting here thinking and I know I need to do SOMETHING.

I was talking to Joaquin last night and he complained about pregame alliances to me and all the network mappings which I think was him blowing smoke at me but whether it was a real complaint or not, I went on a little bit of a rant at him about pregame alliances and how a person's game should be judged based on when the game begins through to final tribal council, and not before.

Even though I have the benefit of knowing Cochran and Penner beforehand and subsequently getting Cass because of that, I am hoping that perching onto this mantra and yelling about it will move the needle ever so slightly. Like, maybe these people are thinking "I gotta make a move eventually but I am safe now", and being like "WE'RE NOT GOING TO RESPECT IF YOU JUST RIDE PREGAME ALLIANCES", they will feel a little more pressure - even if it is a TINY BIT - to make a move.

I don't think that it is ultimately going to be dictated by pregame relationships and I am a hypocrite for saying any of that because I had pregame relations with Cochran and Penner, but I need to do SOMETHING to rattle the beehive here. It's boring to go along with tribal lines (lol at Nepal's pagonging) and it DOESN'T BENEFIT ME.

I think it is in these people's best interest to get rid of me because I am going to be a problem. I just need to figure out how exactly I am going to disrupt this status quo. I am willing to kamikaze myself to get things shaking, and that alone should get the majority shaking.


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Okay, so, I have decided that my voting confessional tonight is going to be a pecking order for the powers that be on the purple tribe hoping to fuck some more shit up. Here's what I'm thinking. We have 8:6 purple:orange. We have the super tight 4-purple.

14 Yve / 13 Cass / 12 Stephanie / 11 Jeff / 10 Penner / 9 Cristina / 8 Kim / 7 Val / 6 Loveita / 5 Catalie / 4 Russell / 3 Melania / 2 Tammy / 1 Joaquin wins

I don't think this is what will happen obviously. I just want people to feel nervous about their position and get people thinking. It's worth a shot. There's literally nothing to lose when it's anonymous.


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